StephanJoubert / home_assistant_solarman

Home Assistant component for Solarman collectors used with a variety of inverters.
Apache License 2.0
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Not exposed in HA integrations #4

Closed dswarne closed 2 years ago

dswarne commented 2 years ago


Firstly thanks for the efforts, much appreciated. Could you maybe assist me? I have successfully downloaded the integration in HACS and i can see it in the relevant dashboards and file system, however the plugin is not exposed in HA integrations when I search.

Am I missing something obvious or doing something wrong?

Kind Regards

StephanJoubert commented 2 years ago


I think you are almost there. You can try the following:

  1. Click on "Developer Tools" on the left, and under "States" view the entities.
  2. Under "Filter Entities" type "inverter". If the system works correctly you should see a number of entities ex.sensor.deye_inverter_id (in my case I called the inverter deye, but it may differ depending on your configuration)

The screen capture in the readme was created by adding a card "by entity", and under "Search Entities" I just filtered by typing the name "deye" and selected multiple entities. The name "deye" was pulled from my configuration and may be different depending on your configuration.

Hope you have success.

dswarne commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the feedback, I have however only downloaded the integration but cant seem to figure out how to start it or even find the config to edit the ip address, I'm relatively new to custom plugins and I'm sure I've missed a step.

All i did was find the integration in HACS then click the download. cant figure out the next step.

StephanJoubert commented 2 years ago

You need only add a few steps:

  1. You need to configure the router to give the inverter a fixed IP. This is important since the component will try to find the inverter at a specific IP.
  2. Then get the serial number of the inverter-collector. The easiest way to do that is to open a browser and browse to the IP you specified above. The login with username "admin" and password "admin". On the web UI, under "Status" expand "Device information" and note the "Device serial number"
  3. Then you need to add a few lines in the configuration.yaml file. There is a configurator that makes this relatively easy.

In that file, you just need to add an entry under "sensors" as follows: sensors:

dswarne commented 2 years ago

Thanks Bud,

All visible now, I made a noob error by "sensors" and not "sensor in the config

KurtKeunen commented 2 years ago

To add to this, i got all the entities showing but everything is set to "unknown" values as far as i can tell everything is configured correctly

Toma82 commented 2 years ago

I have the same problem in HA no entities are unknown image

And in integration after I have the following error


StephanJoubert commented 2 years ago

The message trace refers to a different piece of code. A quick google seems to point to here:

It may be that the two components influence each other so I would recommend disabling the Sofar_LSW3 code just to see if it makes a difference.

The good news is that both the LSW3 integration and this component uses the same protocol, so if one of them works, the other one should also work.

Toma82 commented 2 years ago

Well, unfortunately, despite the removal of that integration, I still have unknown entities image

I managed to change the address of the register and the first entity appeared :) Thanks image

KurtKeunen commented 2 years ago

i still dont get a read out, where exactly can i see errors so i can try to bugfix?

StephanJoubert commented 2 years ago

You can look at the logs (Configuration | Settings | Logs) and click on "Load full home assistant logs" and see if you get any traces.

I have updated the file to help with installation. You can just go though that process as well to confirm that the configuration is correct. If the collector you have is incompatible, you can try the "Omnik Solar integration" that is newly added to HACS to see if that works.

ianfretwell commented 2 years ago

The example code incorrectly states that the config needs to go under 'sensors:' as pointed out above, this should actually be 'sensor:'

Regardless of that I seem to have the same issue as @xb385 - the integration has brought all the sensors in but they are all marked as 'unknown' - although very, very occasionally I see two of them change to 'LOOKUP'

This integration works just fine though (I have it disabled whilst I am trying to get yours working) This also appears to be using v5 of the connection so I really can't see any reason why yours won't work. Any more ideas ?

StephanJoubert commented 2 years ago

Thanks for pointing me to the typo in the documentation - I have fixed and pushed that.

I had a look at the other integration, and from what I can gather it uses a different method to obtain the data. Rather than using the modbus interface, it queries it directly from the web JSON API. So it is stil possible that the version is incompatible.

Apart from the version of the protocol, we also have the mapping of parameter ids to actual parameters. Ex 00BD being Battery Status. I have verified that against the solarman app, but in case Omik has a different app it may use a different mapping and be incompatible?

ianfretwell commented 2 years ago

Hi. Just moments after I posted my first message- suddenly a lot of values appeared - the integration was installed in daylight yesterday and has had at least 2 hours of sunlight this morning before anything appeared. And the values appear static - almost like for some reason the connection was made just the one time ? Some of them seem very high - values in the 10's of thousands for example ?


For the time being I'm not going to touch anything just to see if anything changes again. Is there anything I can supply to you that might help ?


donovanvdberg commented 2 years ago

Hi All, Anyone got this working with Firmware version LSW3_15_FFFF_1.0.65 ? IP has been updated and set static and SN updated in config file. All Sensors are stating Unknown

ianfretwell commented 2 years ago

@StephanJoubert I missed your point about Solarman app - yes, I can use this to see my details just fine - no issues there.

It looks like some of the figures are updating - but it's now at a consistent ten minute interval (not 30 seconds, which is what is in the config) : -


StephanJoubert commented 2 years ago

@ianfretwell I reverse-engineered the solarman-pro android app ( to determine the parameter definitions to use.

After the last message, I had another look and it seems it has special handling for Omink inverters so, even if it uses protocol v5, to exchange the packets, the packet content seems to be different for Omnik as compared to Deye. This seems to be consistent with what you are seeing - that you do receive data (hence protocol match), but the content is incorrect.

I see there is an Omnik-specific integration in HACS that you may give a go.

ianfretwell commented 2 years ago

@StephanJoubert OK, many thanks anyway - it was worth a go!