StephanJoubert / home_assistant_solarman

Home Assistant component for Solarman collectors used with a variety of inverters.
Apache License 2.0
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Scan Interval can be set in yaml, but not in GUI.... #406

Open ChirpyTurnip opened 9 months ago

ChirpyTurnip commented 9 months ago

A simple one for you....I've just moved from a yaml-based config to a GUI-based config as not seeing Solarman in the Devices & Services section was messing with my head. However, in having done that polling is now very, very slow! It used to poll every 15s and most of the time I got a response. Now it polls (be default) just once a minute and the updates are very very slow.....and sometimes it stops for two minutes as the reply doesn't come in time and then everything just it can 2+ minutes for the sensor to update.

Is there any reason why "Update Interval" cannot be included in the GUI-based configuration?



oxynatOr commented 9 months ago

FYI: you have to reconfig (flash) a register. otherwise the pulling rate is ~2 or 5min

ChirpyTurnip commented 9 months ago

This is news to me.....tell me more? It sounds like I'd need to change something in HA to increase the polling rate but also on the inverter?

On the yaml-based config I had the polling rate set to 15 seconds and got a poll roughly every my inverter can definitely go faster than once a minute....and MODBUS itself, cockroach protocol that it is, can definitely poll faster....

oxynatOr commented 9 months ago

This is news to me.....tell me more? It sounds like I'd need to change something in HA to increase the polling rate but also on the inverter?

On the yaml-based config I had the polling rate set to 15 seconds and got a poll roughly every my inverter can definitely go faster than once a minute....and MODBUS itself, cockroach protocol that it is, can definitely poll faster....

if i get the other ppl right. you have to contact deye. :'(

Yes, the software inside the inverter is set to 5min ( or 2min) this means, all the registers get filled in a interval of X-Minutes. at least, that is how i understood it.

i did check the PDFs i have, but i was jot able to find the register and value. someone try it over the AT Codes. but failed.

i'm also searching for way to crack this :)

ChirpyTurnip commented 9 months ago

I have a pair of Solis Inverters and I'm running with a custom_parameters file (I can supply that if anyone wants to add it to the repository) and then I use NodeRed to bust up the multi-bit registers into entities that can report directly what mode(s) and alarm(s) are in effect.

But with the yaml config I could poll for my inverter at least I don't think I need to do anything except for telling HA to poll faster....but that part I cannot do in the Solarman GUI 'configure' I still think this should be added to the integration to allow this to be set (possible with a warning that mileage may vary depending on inverter).