StephanJoubert / home_assistant_solarman

Home Assistant component for Solarman collectors used with a variety of inverters.
Apache License 2.0
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When using Deye SUN Micro Inverters inc Relais pls use 1.4.3 instread of newest 1.5.1!!! #453

Open oriziena opened 7 months ago

oriziena commented 7 months ago

Hi all,

I see some issues coming up and it looks like all of them are not answered. So lets try to have one issue to explain whats needs to be done!

In case you have the relais integrated with your deye the microinverter will be upgrade to 2.32. With that usage of 1.5.1 is broken! Easiest way to fix that for now is to downgrade to 1.4.3 and "copy" the deye inverter files manually into the right location of your solarman installation. (how this is done is out of this description)

In my case here the steps to do for an raspberry pi4 installation running on ssd with latest homeassistent version after downgrade to 1.4.3:

so you need to connect to your homeassistant base linux system via ssh and then copy the files from current "master" branch to your local installation. following as example for the deye_2mppt.yaml file

sudo wget -O /usr/share/hassio/homeassistant/custom_components/solarman/inverter_definitions/deye_2mppt.yaml

next step is you need to add that file file like shown in following output. pls manipulate the outputs to your needs!

sudo cat /usr/share/hassio/homeassistant/custom_components/solarman/
from datetime import timedelta

DOMAIN = 'solarman'

DEFAULT_LOOKUP_FILE = 'deye_2mppt.yaml'

MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_UPDATES = timedelta(seconds=30)

CONF_INVERTER_HOST = 'inverter_host'
CONF_INVERTER_PORT = 'inverter_port'
CONF_INVERTER_SERIAL = 'inverter_serial'
CONF_INVERTER_MB_SLAVEID = 'inverter_mb_slaveid'
CONF_LOOKUP_FILE = 'lookup_file'

SENSOR_PREFIX = 'Solarman'

in case of questions pls add comments here and I will upgrade the issue text.

br Oriziena

oriziena commented 7 months ago

@StephanJoubert how about creation of a 1.4.4 with the newest files to make live easier for some people out there until the issue with deye+relais is fixed in 1.5.x?

added a pull request.. maybe you can create a tag and initialize the version to be available in hacs?

Peterchen42 commented 7 months ago

Hi @all, this hint helped me a lot. Deinstalled the 1.5.1 and installed the v1.4.3 via HACS. In core-ssh I just downloaded the deye_2mppt.yaml into the inverter_definitions folder and edited the via File Editor addon. Now I the deye inverter is connected and I got data. Module Version: MW3_16U_5406_2.32-D1 thanks

schlaufon commented 6 months ago

pls see my new issue!

MajorTomD commented 4 months ago


I tried to change the yaml flies using the File editor. Unfortunately I haven't had succes using Terminal + SSH, maybe due to lack of experience.

Unfortunately my Deye Sun M80G4 EU Q4 still are not implemanted in HA. I tried deye_hybeid.yaml and deye_string.yaml.

Does anybody had success with the same converter?

schlaufon commented 4 months ago


I tried to change the yaml flies using the File editor. Unfortunately I haven't had succes using Terminal + SSH, maybe due to lack of experience.

Unfortunately my Deye Sun M80G4 EU Q4 still are not implemanted in HA. I tried deye_hybeid.yaml and deye_string.yaml.

Does anybody had success with the same converter?