StephanJoubert / home_assistant_solarman

Home Assistant component for Solarman collectors used with a variety of inverters.
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Issue with logger 23xxxx #53

Open Loudo42 opened 2 years ago

Loudo42 commented 2 years ago


I have an inverter Sofar HYD 6000 EP. This model is quiet new and I have a logger 23xxxxx with the firmware LSW3_15_270A_1.32. I tried the set up but the inverter is not connected and I have unknown values for entities. I have HA on a RPI arm64 with RaspberryPIOS. At this moment, I have only tested integration with the automatic way and selected the sofar_lsw3.yaml look up file . I will try the manual one but it will certainly not change I did not found the v4 protocol which is recommend for logger different of 17xxx and 21xxx, could you please let me know where I can find it? I am sorry I try to find it but it escapes me. Nevertheless maybe my logger is not compatible with v4 protocol too. So do you have a solution. I have also found a solution with Sofar2mqtt but it is more time-consumming and complicated, and can it do my goal describes below.

My goal is to have realtime data from the inverter to manage the charge of my Tesla and also to pilot the inverter for charging and discharging schedule and/or max power output. If piloting is not possible, does not matter, my main goal is to have realtime data for the EV charge.

Thank you very much in advance for your help.

Regards, Loudo

gedger commented 2 years ago

May be worth posting the front web page of your inverter which shows the version serial etc. of your system. Also post up any output from. http://YOURIPADDR/config_hide.html

There seems to be a huge variation of logger versions and firmware out there plus a lot of old stock. Have you tried contacting the manufacturer, some are more helpful than others.

igieon commented 2 years ago

I have new hyd 5kw i am testing new yaml setting its here but my inverted died after 2 days of working so i will continue when i get new ;-/just rename it to add aditional register and production i will add later on sofar_g3hyd.yaml.txt .

santo76 commented 2 years ago

i have HYD 6000 EP with 23XXXXX and i can't receive data from datalogger. any soluiton for this?


Loudo42 commented 2 years ago


Igieon, I have tried your config files, I have 34 entities (41 with the original one), but still no value or connection.

My logger firmware is LSW3_15_270A_1.53 For my inverter

Any ideas?

Thank you.

Floppe commented 1 year ago


I'm in the same boat. Got my Sofar Solar 8.8KTLX-G3 inverter up and running yesterday. Tested this integration and every sensor have no data. My logger has the same firmware, and same serial prefix.

SW: 000001 HW: 101

Any info I could assist with for finding the issue. Perhaps a tcpdump between HA and the logger on port 8899? Here below only the actual data communication:

HA -> Logger port 8899 00000000 a5 17 00 10 45 00 00 3f af 92 8c 02 00 00 00 00 00000010 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 03 00 00 00 28 00000020 45 d4 bf 15

Logger -> HA 00000000 a5 13 00 10 15 00 57 3f af 92 8c 02 01 01 43 00 00000010 00 ea 26 00 00 99 7c 05 63 01 90 02 00 03 05 15

HA logs says only: WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.entity] Update of sensor.solarman_pv1_power is taking over 10 seconds


cyberrep commented 1 year ago

same here, I cant get any correct date Inverter serial number 21xxxxx Device serial number 23xxxx Firmware version LSW3_15_FFFF_1.0.78

Txominr commented 1 year ago

Me too same problem Unknown status, no data Inverter serial number 21xxxxx Device serial number 23xxxx Firmware version LSW3_15_FFFF_1.0.78

i-jk commented 1 year ago

I have this too with Sofar KTLM-G3 -- looks like #25 is also this issue.

Device serial number: 234***** Firmware version: LSW3_15_270A_1.50

otello86 commented 1 year ago

Same issue here with Sofar inverter HYD-5000ES and logger :

S/N : 234XXXXXXXX Firmware : LSW3_15_FFFF_1.0.65

I've report another issue on this point :

steve-cox commented 1 year ago

Not sure why, but my Sofar HYD-6000 EP works (mostly).....

S/N: 234xxxxxxx Firmware: LSW3_15_FFFF_1.0.65

Using pysolarmanv5, I found that the inverter/logger responds to the normal WIFIKIT discovery packet, and that it responds to modbus holding register reads on 0x0200-0x0255 and input register reads at 0x10B0-0x10BC & 0x2000-0x200f.

This means that the sofar_wifikit profile is the closest matching one. The missing PV information is at 0x252-0x254, and there are a handful of other changes elsewhere (e.g. no additional grid supplies).

Using the sofar_wifikit profile as the base, I have created a new profile that I believe is mostly correct - I am unsure if battery cycles & emergency V/A are in the correct location and I have really no idea how to test the battery type is correct without cracking the case open. I've attached the profile in a zip file:

[ Edit: Doh... this file is useless to most, since I'm working with the source. To use it either:

  1. Rename the .yaml file in the zip as custom_parameters.yaml and drop it into config/custom_components/solarman/inverter_definitions/
  2. ....or Use the Filer Editor to create a new file custom_parameters.yaml in config/custom_components/solarman/inverter_definitions/ and copy/paste the contents of the zip's .yaml file into it

Once you have done either one of those, select custom_parameters.yaml as the profile you need for Solarman ]

However.... I did say it 'mostly' works. Either there is a bug on the code, or the inverter has a habit of sending back corrupted values every now and then. Sometimes my panels are generating 250kW(!), sometimes 1kW... at 2am. Other parameters are also affected, mostly dropping to zero. With debug turned on (and additional debug added to print the Exception), I can even see strings fail to parse (incorrect number of characters for struct.unpack)

I'll keep looking into it, but hopefully the profile I've added to this message helps some out.

steve-cox commented 1 year ago

@Floppe : From what I've discovered when HA complains about solarman taking too long, it's because the inverter/logger doesn't respond to requests for modbus registers that are not present.

ie. in my above comment, I mentioned that my HYD 6000 responds to requests for holding register reads on 0x0200-0x0255 and input register reads at 0x10B0-0x10BC & 0x2000-0x200F. If I made a request outside of that range, there would be a delay.

Solarman tries twice for each request row in the yaml. Each request has a 10s timeout ( "sock.settimeout(10)"). As such there can be a considerable delay when the wrong registers are polled.

I'm not sure if the above yaml profile will help you as you appear to have a different inverter. If it doesn't, the following Python (taken/modified from the pysolarmanv5 examples) will help you locate the start of the ranges of registers available:

from pysolarmanv5 import PySolarmanV5, V5FrameError
import umodbus.exceptions

def main():    

    modbus = PySolarmanV5("<my inverter/logger ip>", <my logger serial 234xxxxxxx>, port=8899, mb_slave_id=1, verbose=True)

    # This scan will take a LONG time!
        # You can adjust the step in the for range from 0x100 to 0x10 to find
        # Registers not on a 0x100 boundary (like my inverters 0x10B0 registers), 
        # but obviously the scan will take 10 times longer!

    print("Scanning holding registers - use mb_functioncode: 0x03 in YAML request section")
    for x in range(0x0000, 0xffff, 0x100):
            val = modbus.read_holding_registers(register_addr=x, quantity=1)[0]
            print(f"Register: {x:05x}\t\tValue: {val:05} ({val:#06x})")
        except (V5FrameError, umodbus.exceptions.IllegalDataAddressError):
           # print(f"Register: {x:05x}\t\tValue: NONE")
    print("Finished scanning holding registers")

    print("Scanning input registers - use mb_functioncode: 0x04 in YAML request section")
    for x in range(0x0000, 0xffff, 0x100):
            val = modbus.read_input_registers(register_addr=x, quantity=1)[0]
            print(f"Register: {x:05}\t\tValue: {val:05} ({val:#06x})")
        except (V5FrameError, umodbus.exceptions.IllegalDataAddressError):
    print("Finished scanning input registers")

if __name__ == "__main__":

The following code will read and print the registers for my HYD 6000 - you can modify this for yours. Use the range starts discovered above, and change the number of registers values read to find the max number to read - e.g start at 20 register read and increase if it responds, or decrease if it times out. Continue until you find the exact number for reach range. It will then be a case of making reads of all of those registers at the same time a 5 minute update appears into the, and slowly matching them up (taking into account any scaling - e.g. power/energy seems to be 0.01, voltage 0.1):

    modbus = PySolarmanV5("", 2343467077, port=8899, mb_slave_id=1, verbose=True)
        # Read 86 register values starting at 0x200 (ie: 0x200-0x255 inclusive)
        retval = modbus.read_holding_registers(0x0200, 86)

        # Read 12 register values starting at 0x10B0 (ie: 0x10B0-0x10BC inclusive - my inverter 
        # actually responds up to 0x10C7, but I have no idea what those values are for!)
        retval = modbus.read_input_registers(0x10B0, 12)

        # Read 16 register values starting at 0x2000 (ie: 0x2000-0x200F inclusive)
        retval = modbus.read_input_registers(0x2000, 16)
    except (V5FrameError, umodbus.exceptions.IllegalDataAddressError):

Occasionally, my logger returns values with invalid checksums - wait a second, then try again. This may be related to the corrupted values problem I mention in my previous post.

otello86 commented 1 year ago

Thanks @steve-cox It seems to be working with your profile file except some datas stay in "available" and others which have incoherent values I will check that

steve-cox commented 1 year ago

@otello86 There seems to be a second problem, other than just the definition file - the integration appears to be accepting and parsing modbus messages that are either invalid or of a different type. Unfortunately, this causes corrupted values to be accepted.

I created a new bug for it, and will try to investigate further. Looking forward to getting this integration working with my inverter :)

Floppe commented 1 year ago

@steve-cox Thank you!

You got me into the right track. Registers seems to be the same as @igieon has in his file, some small modifications as my inverter is only on-grid. Took me a while to figure out why HomeAssistant did not get any values, but the Python script did work flawlessly. Seems the solarman configuration file is very sensitive. One small thing wrong and no data at all is updated to HA although the registers are read OK according to debug logging. Perhaps in need of better error catching and logging there.

Here is what I ended up with: sofar-g3.yaml

Many thanks to you both!

vytasmk commented 1 year ago

@Floppe happy for you. I have tried with Your file on my SofarSolar 12KTLX-G3 but no luck all parameters stays "Unknown" :) Can some body point me how to debug communication that is going from HA to Inverter?

steve-cox commented 1 year ago

@vytasmk add the following to your configuration.yaml, and it will turn on debugging for this integration:

  default: info
    custom_components.solarman: debug

The raw contents of the packets will now be dumped into the log. The protocol is documented over at the pysolarmanv5 library.

pskuza commented 1 year ago

I have a SOFAR 15KTLX-G3 Inverter with following logger:

S/N: 234xxxxxxx Firmware: LSW3_15_270A_1.50

Neither the sofar-g3.yaml or the merged sofar_g3hyd.yaml return any usable data.

Did anyone manage to make this integration work with this Inverter? I checked the logs with debug on:

2022-10-25 13:53:52.349 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.entity] Update of sensor.solarman_sofarsolar_pv_generation_today is taking over 10 seconds

and do see requests being sent and answered.

Edit: Managed to make it work with this

udivankin commented 1 year ago

Same here with ZCS Azzurro 3PH 3.3KTL-V3 (rebranded Sofar 6.6KTLX-G3) - neither config works, although the inverter does respond in the example provided by pysolarmanv5, which is promising.

Would like to contribute, but don't know where to start. Will try to adapt map.

maxtoor93 commented 1 year ago

I am in the same case with a HYD-5000-EP since some time someone has developed a file that works?

frsantos commented 1 year ago

There is a new inverter definition for KStar inverters that was defined against a 235xxx inverter, don't know if it will work for you:

The inverter is in the code but not yet released, as far as I know.

maxtoor93 commented 1 year ago

unfortunately no, still nothing works

otello86 commented 1 year ago

@maxtoor93 i use this file definition with my HYD-5000ES and it works fine

mayor89 commented 1 year ago

can anyone help me please? i have same inverter as floppe. used same yaml file but getting this error:

2023-05-17 18:44:51.822 DEBUG (SyncWorker_8) [custom_components.solarman.solarman] invalid modbus crc 2023-05-17 18:44:51.823 DEBUG (SyncWorker_8) [custom_components.solarman.solarman] Querying [1028 - 1070] failed, invalid response packet. 2023-05-17 18:44:51.823 DEBUG (SyncWorker_8) [custom_components.solarman.solarman] Querying [1028 - 1070] failed, [0] retry attempts left 2023-05-17 18:44:51.824 WARNING (SyncWorker_8) [custom_components.solarman.solarman] Querying registers [1028 - 1070] failed, aborting.

I wonder: Is it problem that i am already using app on android to get the readings? it says only one device can connect but in settings you can see 2 servers are available.. thank you in advance!

waaslandwolf commented 1 year ago

I finally got it working with this file: custom_parameters.yaml.txt (with LSMW3_15_270A_1.50 and SOFAR 8.8KTLX-G3)

sanderbaks commented 1 year ago

I finally got it working with this file: custom_parameters.yaml.txt (with LSMW3_15_270A_1.50 and SOFAR 8.8KTLX-G3)

Did you just go in to Studio Code Editor and add the "custom_parameters.yaml" file and copy in the contents? Is it that easy?

sanderbaks commented 1 year ago

Current status: Still connection unknown

mayor89 commented 1 year ago

I finally got it working with this file: custom_parameters.yaml.txt (with LSMW3_15_270A_1.50 and SOFAR 8.8KTLX-G3)

@waaslandwolf Superb. Glad to hear that. I have still the same issue. Maybe my logger is not working correctly. Can you please share more details? Maybe logs? Have you changed yaml configuration or are you using everything as it was on installation? Can you screenshot your settings if you changed something? Thank you in advance.

sanderbaks commented 1 year ago

My status is still on disconnected.. outside of HA everything is working fine, and can connect to it.

ghost commented 1 year ago

I finally got it working with this file: custom_parameters.yaml.txt (with LSMW3_15_270A_1.50 and SOFAR 8.8KTLX-G3)

Did you just go in to Studio Code Editor and add the "custom_parameters.yaml" file and copy in the contents? Is it that easy?

this worked for me too.. but my 8KTLM-G3 has 3x PVs mppt's.. anyone know how to add the 3rd PV info to the config?? PV1 and PV2 are working, but PV3 isn't listed

mayor89 commented 1 year ago

I finally got it working with this file: custom_parameters.yaml.txt (with LSMW3_15_270A_1.50 and SOFAR 8.8KTLX-G3)

Did you just go in to Studio Code Editor and add the "custom_parameters.yaml" file and copy in the contents? Is it that easy?

this worked for me too.. but my 8KTLM-G3 has 3x PVs mppt's.. anyone know how to add the 3rd PV info to the config?? PV1 and PV2 are working, but PV3 isn't listed

Hi. I saw an issue where this was discussed (in this git). Please check. I think you just need to edit the config file and add it manually with correct address (I would do it by trying next address). Dont forget to restart after every try and also dont forget to wait few minutes..

ghost commented 1 year ago

yup the next registered worked perfect

ricoroodenburg commented 1 year ago

Same issue, tried every suggestion without any luck.

Serialnumber 238x Firmware version LSW3_15_1E03_1.31

wlgallesio commented 10 months ago

sim, o próximo registrado funcionou perfeitamente

Hello, could you help me, how was your pv3? I tried that and it didn't work

wlgallesio commented 10 months ago

Finalmente consegui trabalhar com este arquivo: custom_parameters.yaml.txt (com LSMW3_15_270A_1.50 e SOFAR 8.8KTLX-G3)

Você acabou de entrar no Studio Code Editor e adicionar o arquivo "custom_parameters.yaml" e copiar o conteúdo? É tão fácil?

isso funcionou para mim também .. mas meu 8KTLM-G3 tem 3x PVs mppt's .. alguém sabe como adicionar as informações do terceiro PV à configuração ?? PV1 e PV2 estão funcionando, mas PV3 não está listado

Oi. Eu vi um problema onde isso foi discutido (neste git). Por favor, verifique. Acho que você só precisa editar o arquivo de configuração e adicioná-lo manualmente com o endereço correto (eu faria isso tentando o próximo endereço). Não se esqueça de reiniciar após cada tentativa e também não se esqueça de esperar alguns minutos.

Would you know how to do PV3? thanks

ghost commented 10 months ago

Mine setup is

# Sofar 3.3-12KTLX-G3
# Note: no modbus energy meter connected

  - start: 0x0400
    end:  0x042E
    mb_functioncode: 0x03
  - start: 0x0480
    end: 0x04AF
    mb_functioncode: 0x03
  - start: 0x0580
    end: 0x0592
    mb_functioncode: 0x03
  - start: 0x0680
    end: 0x069B
    mb_functioncode: 0x03
  - group: InverterDC
      - name: "PV1 Power"
        class: "power"
        state_class: "measurement"
        uom: "W"
        scale: 10
        rule: 1
        registers: [0x0586]
        icon: 'mdi:solar-power'

      - name: "PV2 Power"
        class: "power"
        state_class: "measurement"
        uom: "W"
        scale: 10
        rule: 1
        registers: [0x0589]
        icon: 'mdi:solar-power'

      - name: "PV3 Power"
        class: "power"
        state_class: "measurement"
        uom: "W"
        scale: 10
        rule: 1
        registers: [0x0592]
        icon: 'mdi:solar-power'

      - name: "PV1 Voltage"
        class: "voltage"
        state_class: "measurement"
        uom: "V"
        scale: 0.1
        rule: 1
        registers: [0x0584]
        icon: 'mdi:alpha-v-circle-outline'

      - name: "PV2 Voltage"
        class: "voltage"
        state_class: "measurement"
        uom: "V"
        scale: 0.1
        rule: 1
        registers: [0x0587]
        icon: 'mdi:alpha-v-circle-outline'

      - name: "PV3 Voltage"
        class: "voltage"
        state_class: "measurement"
        uom: "V"
        scale: 0.1
        rule: 1
        registers: [0x0590]
        icon: 'mdi:alpha-v-circle-outline'

      - name: "PV1 Current"
        class: "current"
        state_class: "measurement"
        uom: "A"
        scale: 0.01
        rule: 1
        registers: [0x0585]
        icon: 'mdi:current-dc'

      - name: "PV2 Current"
        class: "current"
        state_class: "measurement"
        uom: "A"
        scale: 0.01
        rule: 1
        registers: [0x0588]
        icon: 'mdi:current-dc'

      - name: "PV3 Current"
        class: "current"
        state_class: "measurement"
        uom: "A"
        scale: 0.01
        rule: 1
        registers: [0x0591]
        icon: 'mdi:current-dc'

  - group: Inverter
      - name: "Inverter status"
        class: ""
        state_class: "measurement"
        uom: ""
        scale: 1
        rule: 1
        registers: [0x0404]
          -  key: 0
             value: "Waiting"
          -  key: 1
             value: "Detection"
          -  key: 2
             value: "Grid-Connected"
          -  key: 3
             value: "Emergency Power Supply"
          -  key: 4
             value: "Recoverable Fault"
          -  key: 5
             value: "Permanent Fault"
          -  key: 6
             value: "Upgrade"
          -  key: 7
             value: "Self-charging"
        icon: 'mdi:wrench'
      - name: "Ambient temperature 1"
        class: "temperature"
        uom: "°C"
        scale: 1
        rule: 2
        registers: [0x0418]
        icon: 'mdi:thermometer'
      - name: "Module temperature 1"
        class: "temperature"
        uom: "°C"
        scale: 1
        rule: 2
        registers: [0x0420]
        icon: 'mdi:thermometer'
      - name: "Radiator temperature 1"
        class: "temperature"
        uom: "°C"
        scale: 1
        rule: 2
        registers: [0x041A]
        icon: 'mdi:thermometer'
      - name: "Insulation Resistance"
        class: "none"
        uom: "kohm"
        scale: 1
        rule: 1
        registers: [0x042B]
        icon: "mdi:omega"

  - group: OnGridOutput
      - name: "Frequency Grid"
        class: "frequency"
        uom: "Hz"
        scale: 0.01
        rule: 1
        registers: [0x0484]
        icon: 'mdi:sine-wave'
      - name: "Total Active Power Output"
        class: "energy"
        uom: "kW"
        scale: 0.01
        rule: 1
        registers: [0x0485]
        icon: "mdi:solar-power"

      - name: "Grid Voltage L1"
        class: "voltage"
        uom: "V"
        scale: 0.1
        rule: 1
        registers: [0x048D]
        icon: "mdi:alpha-v-circle-outline"
      - name: "Grid Current L1"
        class: "current"
        uom: "A"
        scale: 0.01
        rule: 1
        registers: [0x048E]
        icon: "mdi:alpha-a-circle-outline"

      - name: "Grid Voltage L2"
        class: "voltage"
        uom: "V"
        scale: 0.1
        rule: 1
        registers: [0x0498]
        icon: "mdi:alpha-v-circle-outline"
      - name: "Grid Current L2"
        class: "current"
        uom: "A"
        scale: 0.01
        rule: 1
        registers: [0x0499]
        icon: "mdi:alpha-a-circle-outline"

      - name: "Grid Voltage L3"
        class: "voltage"
        uom: "V"
        scale: 0.1
        rule: 1
        registers: [0x04A3]
        icon: "mdi:alpha-v-circle-outline"
      - name: "Grid Current L3"
        class: "current"
        uom: "A"
        scale: 0.01
        rule: 1
        registers: [0x04A4]
        icon: "mdi:alpha-a-circle-outline"

  - group: Generation
      - name: "PV Generation today"
        class: "energy"
        state_class: "total_increasing"
        uom: "kWh"
        scale: 0.01
        rule: 3
        registers: [0x0685,0x0684]
        icon: 'mdi:solar-power'
      - name: "PV Generation total"
        class: "energy"
        state_class: "total_increasing"
        uom: "kWh"
        scale: 0.1
        rule: 3
        registers: [0x0687,0x0686]
        icon: 'mdi:solar-power'
      - name: "Load consumption today"
        class: "energy"
        state_class: "total_increasing"
        uom: "kWh"
        scale: 0.01
        rule: 3
        registers: [0x0689,0x0688]
        icon: 'mdi:lightning-bolt-outline'
      - name: "Load consumption total"
        class: "energy"
        state_class: "total_increasing"
        uom: "kWh"
        scale: 0.1
        rule: 3
        registers: [0x068B,0x068A]
        icon: 'mdi:solar-power'

  - group: Alert
      - name: "Alert"
        class: ""
        state_class: ""
        uom: ""
        scale: 1
        rule: 6
        registers: [0x0405,0x0406,0x0407,0x0408,0x0409,0x040A,0x040B,0x040C,0x040D,0x040E,0x040F,0x0410]

      - name: "Fault 1"
        class: ""
        state_class: ""
        uom: ""
        scale: 1
        rule: 1
        registers: [0x0405]
        icon: 'mdi:wrench'
          -  key: 0
             value: "No error"
          -  key: 1
             value: "ID01 Grid Over Voltage Protection"
          -  key: 2
             value: "ID02 Grid Under Voltage Protection"
          -  key: 4
             value: "ID03 Grid Over Frequency Protection"
          -  key: 8
             value: "ID04 Grid Under Frequency Protection"
          -  key: 16
             value: "ID05 Leakage current fault"
          -  key: 32
             value: "ID06 High penetration error"
          -  key: 64
             value: "ID07 Low penetration error"
          -  key: 128
             value: "ID08 Islanding error"
          -  key: 256
             value: "ID09 Grid voltage transient value overvoltage 1"
          -  key: 512
             value: "ID10 Grid voltage transient value overvoltage 2"
          -  key: 1024
             value: "ID11 Grid line voltage error"
          -  key: 2048
             value: "ID12 Inverter voltage error"
          -  key: 4096
             value: "ID13 Anti-backflow overload"
          -  key: 8192
             value: "ID14"
          -  key: 16384
             value: "ID15"
          -  key: 32768
             value: "ID16"
      - name: "Fault 2"
        class: ""
        state_class: ""
        uom: ""
        scale: 1
        rule: 1
        icon: 'mdi:wrench'
        registers: [0x0406]
          -  key: 0
             value: "No error"
          -  key: 1
             value: "ID17 Grid current sampling error"
          -  key: 2
             value: "ID18 Grid current DC component sampling error (AC side)"
          -  key: 4
             value: "ID19 Grid voltage sampling error (DC side)"
          -  key: 8
             value: "ID20 Grid voltage sampling error (AC side)"
          -  key: 16
             value: "ID21 Leakage current sampling error (DC side)"
          -  key: 32
             value: "ID22 Leakage current sampling error (AC side)"
          -  key: 64
             value: "ID23 Load voltage DC component sampling error"
          -  key: 128
             value: "ID24 DC input current sampling error"
          -  key: 256
             value: "ID25 DC component sampling error of grid current (DC side)"
          -  key: 512
             value: "ID26 DC input branch current sampling error"
          -  key: 1024
             value: "ID27"
          -  key: 2048
             value: "ID28"
          -  key: 4096
             value: "ID29 Leakage current consistency error"
          -  key: 8192
             value: "ID30 Grid voltage consistency error"
          -  key: 16384
             value: "ID31 DCI consistency error"
          -  key: 32768
             value: "ID32"
gmcinalli commented 7 months ago

@maxtoor93 i use this file definition with my HYD-5000ES and it works fine

Thank you so much, I've the same inverter!

cecheto commented 1 month ago

I have a Sofar PowerAll 6Kw (ESI 3-6K-S1-HA1-6) with a LSW3 2395XXXXX and firmware LSW3_15_270A_1.68. I finally found that zcs_azzurro-ktl-v3.yaml did work for me and added some more params from sofar_g3_lsw3_logger_reader making a custom_parameters.yaml. The new params are for the batteries status. I share this because it took me a while of searching and testing to make it work.

trezit commented 3 weeks ago

I have a Sofar PowerAll 6Kw (ESI 3-6K-S1-HA1-6) with a LSW3 2395XXXXX and firmware LSW3_15_270A_1.68. I finally found that zcs_azzurro-ktl-v3.yaml did work for me and added some more params from sofar_g3_lsw3_logger_reader making a custom_parameters.yaml. The new params are for the batteries status. I share this because it took me a while of searching and testing to make it work.

Thanks a lot @cecheto I was struggling to configure my new SOFAR ESI 6K S1 and the zcs_azzurro-ktl-v3.yaml seems to be working well. Is it possible for you to share your custom_parameters.yaml ? Thanks in advance.