StephanJoubert / home_assistant_solarman

Home Assistant component for Solarman collectors used with a variety of inverters.
Apache License 2.0
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Sofar connection problem [SOLVED] #562

Open emgieGit opened 2 months ago

emgieGit commented 2 months ago

Hi I try to connect Sofar 3.6KTLM-G3 , logger LSW3, sn: 29****, and all values are unknown

New instalation of HA

Core 2024.4.3 Supervisor 2024.04.0 Operating System 12.1 User interface 20240404.2

I tried home_assistant_solarman V1.5.1 and V1.4.3

I also did "ha core rebuild" What I do wrong? What else can I do?

information from log

2024-04-17 09:24:29.643 WARNING (SyncWorker_42) [custom_components.solarman.solarman] Querying [0 - 39] failed with exception [IllegalDataAddressError: The data address received in the request is not an allowable address for the server. ]

2024-04-17 09:24:30.144 WARNING (SyncWorker_42) [custom_components.solarman.solarman] Querying [0 - 39] failed, [1] retry attempts left

2024-04-17 09:24:30.223 WARNING (SyncWorker_42) [custom_components.solarman.solarman] Querying [0 - 39] failed with exception [IllegalDataAddressError: The data address received in the request is not an allowable address for the server. ]

2024-04-17 09:24:30.723 WARNING (SyncWorker_42) [custom_components.solarman.solarman] Querying [0 - 39] failed, [0] retry attempts left

2024-04-17 09:24:30.724 WARNING (SyncWorker_42) [custom_components.solarman.solarman] Querying registers [0 - 39] failed, aborting.

regards Mariusz


emgieGit commented 2 months ago

Works with this setting image
