StephanJoubert / home_assistant_solarman

Home Assistant component for Solarman collectors used with a variety of inverters.
Apache License 2.0
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HA intergration no longer working in 2024.5 #585

Open fredrikchabot opened 1 month ago

fredrikchabot commented 1 month ago

This error originated from a custom integration.

Logger: custom_components.solarman.solarman Source: custom_components/solarman/ integration: Solarman (documentation, issues) First occurred: 14:35:09 (77 occurrences) Last logged: 14:44:40

Querying registers [1 - 125] failed, aborting.

NJTrance commented 1 month ago

same issue Home Assistant Core Update 2024.5.3 kills integration.

all entities status unknown.

roll back on 2024.4.2 and works fine.

NJTrance commented 1 month ago

Solarman just stopped working #557

this seams to solve it.

"ha core rebuild"

just wait few minutes after HA restarts.

Oberlandix commented 1 month ago

Hi, same issue here! Latest Core Update yesterday (2024.5.3) has killed my integration.

All entities of solarman now: status unknown.

"Querying registers (3- 89) failed, aborting.

This is very sad because I have a lots of automations and loggings active for my PV...

Looking forward to solve the problem - I ll try to roll back now; using proxmox-snapshot.


fejfarj commented 1 month ago

Hi, it works again after updating to Core 2024.5.4 today.

Oberlandix commented 1 month ago

Thx a lot fejfarj for this information. :-)

Please forgive my layman's question: Is it coincidence or pure luck that this now works for you or could you / someone read from the changelog for the latest version whether / what has been done to this adjusting screw?

I'm thinking about cloning my Homeassistant instance to Proxmox to be on the safe side and setting up a test system here for pre-testing, like in production, so to speak....

Many thanks!

fejfarj commented 1 month ago

It was my intention to roll back to previous core version where it was working, but suddenly I saw new core version, so I gave it one try to see if new core will remove this issue.

norb-HB commented 1 month ago

I have core 2024.5.4 and Solarman is still not working.

I wonder if the developer Stephan could comment if he intends to look after the issue?

norb-HB commented 1 month ago

I'm not too keen to fiddlin around with my HA installation. However. Could please someone explain what the "ha core rebuild" actual does and if it fixes the issue for the latest core.

gigibiacco commented 1 month ago

I have core 2024.5.5 but Solarman integration is still non worching. All entities: status unknown. "ha core rebuild" has no effect. some help please

norb-HB commented 1 month ago

"ha core rebuild" did actually solve it for me

Ajbadenhorst commented 1 month ago

Can confirm "ha core rebuild" in ha CLI fixed it for me. I also needed to do a HA "Restart Home Assistant" for it to work again.

gs-danielnikonczuk commented 1 month ago

Unfortunately for me ha core rebuild didn't fix the issue. I tried:

Entries from logs: Querying registers [512 - 581] failed, aborting. Querying [512 - 581] failed, [1] retry attempts left

Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/config/custom_components/solarman/", line 35, in update_listener[DOMAIN][entry.entry_id].config(entry)
KeyError: 'solarman'

024-05-29 15:21:12.734 INFO (SyncWorker_2) [custom_components.solarman.solarman] Connecting to solarman data logger
2024-05-29 15:21:12.742 DEBUG (SyncWorker_2) [custom_components.solarman.solarman] Socket setup completed... <socket.socket fd=17, family=2, type=1, proto=6, laddr=('', 52310), raddr=('', 8899)>
2024-05-29 15:21:12.743 DEBUG (SyncWorker_2) [custom_components.solarman.solarman] SENT: a5 17 00 10 45 9b 00 7d 76 94 8e 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 03 02 00 00 46 c5 80 af 15
2024-05-29 15:21:12.813 DEBUG (SyncWorker_2) [custom_components.solarman.solarman] RECD: a5 13 00 10 15 9b 47 7d 76 94 8e 02 01 32 c0 87 00 ee 1c 00 00 96 6b cf 65 01 90 02 00 03 80 15
2024-05-29 15:21:12.813 WARNING (SyncWorker_2) [custom_components.solarman.solarman] Querying [512 - 581] failed with exception [CRCError: CRC validation failed.]
2024-05-29 15:21:12.814 INFO (SyncWorker_2) [custom_components.solarman.solarman] Disconnecting from solarman data logger
2024-05-29 15:21:12.816 WARNING (SyncWorker_2) [custom_components.solarman.solarman] Querying [512 - 581] failed, [0] retry attempts left
2024-05-29 15:21:12.816 WARNING (SyncWorker_2) [custom_components.solarman.solarman] Querying registers [512 - 581] failed, aborting.
groovinhigh04 commented 1 month ago

Same issues for me, ha core rebuild didn't help

Mikusina commented 3 weeks ago

same here, HA and solarman doesnt work.. keep getting disconnected

JorisHeugebaert commented 3 weeks ago

Same problem here after update to 2024-5-4. ha core rebuild solved it. Thx !

Oberlandix commented 3 weeks ago

Somehow I don't feel sure yet, as I read contradictory things here. It works for some, but not for others. Whether this is a coincidence or the result of an update / bugfix of the core is unclear.

We don't really have any direct feedback from one of the programmers / SME yet, do we? Unfortunately I can't code, otherwise I would of course take a look at it myself... I can also donate a cup of coffee somewhere etc...

In any case, it would be great to get a definitive fix and know what's going on. I'll probably have to clone Homeassistant in my VM and run a test system for HA updates in parallel... Thank you for reading my ‘whinge’ :-)

gs-danielnikonczuk commented 3 weeks ago

Ok, a funny thing just happened. I tried this:

  1. removed Solarman integration and removed from HACS.
  2. ha core rebuild via terminal
  3. Add Solarman integration repo again
  4. Add Solarman services again and ensure you use the correct YAML config for your inverter model.

This time, it worked. It hasn't worked for quite a while, though. There was no HA update in between. What's different from other tries is that I changed the Solarman config YAML. I made sure I chose the right one for my model according to the descriptions in the YAML files.

HA Green Core: 2024.5.5 Supervisor: 2024.05.1 Operating System: 12.3

groovinhigh04 commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks, @gs-danielnikonczuk! 👍 Same procedure solved it for me as well

Bodoundbenni commented 3 weeks ago

Ok, a funny thing just happened. I tried this:

1. removed Solarman integration and removed from HACS.

2. `ha core rebuild` via terminal

3. Add Solarman integration repo again

4. Add Solarman services again and ensure you use the correct YAML config for your inverter model.

This time, it worked. It hasn't worked for quite a while, though. There was no HA update in between. What's different from other tries is that I changed the Solarman config YAML. I made sure I chose the right one for my model according to the descriptions in the YAML files.

HA Green Core: 2024.5.5 Supervisor: 2024.05.1 Operating System: 12.3

THX for sharing! after trying and trying I simple workaround that brings my Deye back to HA