StephanJoubert / home_assistant_solarman

Home Assistant component for Solarman collectors used with a variety of inverters.
Apache License 2.0
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DDZY422-D2 logger integration #586

Open DrSchip opened 1 month ago

DrSchip commented 1 month ago


is it possible to support Solarman DDZY422-D2 SmarMeter in order to retrieve power consumption data and so on? I have surfed on the net in order to find any possible existing yaml, but nothing to do.

Thank you!

Picard2002 commented 1 month ago

I'm also interested, I have a 5ktlm g3 sofa with lsw 3 logger and a solarman DDZY.422-D2 energy meter and I can't see my own consumption, nor the energy poured into the grid.