StephanJoubert / home_assistant_solarman

Home Assistant component for Solarman collectors used with a variety of inverters.
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Access to "Solar Sell" in Deye inverter #602

Open Ralle opened 2 weeks ago

Ralle commented 2 weeks ago


I have the 12 kw Deye Hybrid inverter with SolarMan datalogger. I want to be able to set the "Solar Sell" value from HA automations. I already installed the Nordpool add-on so I can watch for energy prices and then I want to toggle "Solar Sell" accordingly.

I have searched the issues and found people talking about Modbus and the datalogger and I am not sure what I actually need to accomplish this. Many things feel a little bit implied from the conversations I've seen. I cannot understand it at least.

I have this project installed in HACS and can see values from my inverter. Works perfect. What's next?

RPJacobs commented 2 weeks ago


To achieve what you want, you can add a shell command to your YAML configuration and create a switch to toggle the "Solar Sell" mode. Here's how you can do it:

First, add these shell commands to your YAML file:

  sell_on: 'python /config/python_scripts/ on'
  sell_off: 'python /config/python_scripts/ off'

Then, add a switch configuration:

  - platform: template
        unique_id: "switch.sell"
          service: shell_command.sell_on
          service: shell_command.sell_off

Next, use the following Python script in the /config/python_scripts/ file:

from pysolarmanv5 import PySolarmanV5
import sys

mode = 2
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'on':
    mode = 0

modbus = PySolarmanV5('x.x.x.x', sernum, port=8899, mb_slave_id=1, verbose=0)

modbus.write_multiple_holding_registers(register_addr=142, values=[mode])

Replace x.x.x.x with the IP address of your inverter and sernum with the serial number.

more information on the modbus interface check

Hope this helps!

Ralle commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you so much for this thorough description.

Can you elaborate on what “my yaml file” is? When setting up this project you have the option to do manual configuration. I didn’t do this. Is it a requirement? Otherwise I don’t have a yaml file do I?

RPJacobs commented 1 week ago

Ralle commented 1 week ago

Hey @RPJacobs thank you so much for getting me started on this.

Alright. So I got the running. But this is what I get:

python on System Work Mode = Selling Frist (yes it has a typo in SolarMan web app) off System Work Mode = Zero Export to CT Solar Sell = Enable

Unless I miss my guess. I am using the wrong register here. OR I don't understand the settings of my inverter.

EDIT: Apparently register 145 means solar sell and values 0 and 1 disable and enable it.

Thanks for all your help :)

RPJacobs commented 1 week ago

Well done.