StephanJoubert / home_assistant_solarman

Home Assistant component for Solarman collectors used with a variety of inverters.
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Deye M100G4 / Update only every 5min #604

Open Chickenbreast0 opened 1 week ago

Chickenbreast0 commented 1 week ago


unfortunately the plugin (V.1.5.1) only receives new data from the local logger every 5 minutes.

I have already had the support team change the interval to 1 minute and the current data is pushed to the Solarman database (web) every minute, but is only displayed in Homeassistant every 5 minutes.

Does anyone have any advice?

The device is an Deye M100G4 with the latest FW 1.62. Previously with FW 1.59 it was the same outcome.



Chickenbreast0 commented 1 week ago

Further - I have access to the 1000W G3 Model without the Relais.



tobiashinz commented 1 week ago

Same here with Deye SUN600G3-EU-230. It used to update more frequently.

Chickenbreast0 commented 6 days ago

The Solarman Team updated now the Data Upload Period to 1min and I can see this Update rate now in my Solarman Account. But still it pulls the updates only every 5min to my HA. Is there any info yet, how to fix that?

sofkaski commented 6 days ago

Are you perhaps looking at the data that comes from short term statistics? There the resolution is 5 min (no matter what is collection interval).

Chickenbreast0 commented 5 days ago

Are you perhaps looking at the data that comes from short term statistics? There the resolution is 5 min (no matter what is collection interval).

No, I'm talking about the recording of the databases, but about the interval at which the data is pushed from Solarman to HA. This only happens every 5 minutes.

Despite the fact that Deye's update rate has been changed from 5 minutes to 1 minute, the data is only displayed in Homeassistant every 5 minutes. The Solarman web interface is now updated every minute. This is a pity.

PV-Joe commented 5 days ago

My Deye Hybrid updates production and some other entities every 30 seconds.

I edited this line: /homeassistant/custom_components/solarman/

MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_UPDATES = timedelta(seconds=30)

I‘m using Solarman 1.4.3 as 1.5.1 wasn‘t working for me.