StephanJoubert / home_assistant_solarman

Home Assistant component for Solarman collectors used with a variety of inverters.
Apache License 2.0
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Support for sun-6k-sg04lp1-eu? #608

Closed ligius- closed 5 days ago

ligius- commented 5 days ago

I tried using the deye_sg04lp3.yaml configuration but that one is for the 3-phase inverter. LP1 is the single-phase version of the hybrid inverter. I assume there are differences in registry locations but not sure where to look.

Firmware version for the logger is LSW3_32U_5406_1.06 .


2024-06-25 16:44:37.136 DEBUG (SyncWorker_1) [custom_components.solarman.solarman] RECD: a5 1f 00 10 15 69 48 bf 82 98 ae 02 01 ee 0f 00 00 53 0a 00 00 d6 b9 7a 66 01 03 0c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 93 70 5b 15
2024-06-25 16:44:37.137 WARNING (SyncWorker_1) [custom_components.solarman.solarman] Querying [586 - 591] failed with exception [ValueError: Invalidate complete dataset (Battery Temperature ~ -100.0)]
2024-06-25 16:44:37.137 INFO (SyncWorker_1) [custom_components.solarman.solarman] Disconnecting from solarman data logger
2024-06-25 16:44:37.139 WARNING (SyncWorker_1) [custom_components.solarman.solarman] Querying [586 - 591] failed, [1] retry attempts left
2024-06-25 16:44:37.139 INFO (SyncWorker_1) [custom_components.solarman.solarman] Connecting to solarman data logger
2024-06-25 16:44:37.167 DEBUG (SyncWorker_1) [custom_components.solarman.solarman] Socket setup completed... <socket.socket fd=52, family=2, type=1, proto=6, laddr=(............)>
2024-06-25 16:44:37.167 DEBUG (SyncWorker_1) [custom_components.solarman.solarman] SENT: a5 17 00 10 45 a5 00 bf 82 98 ae 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 03 02 4a 00 06 e5 a6 7b 15
2024-06-25 16:44:37.259 DEBUG (SyncWorker_1) [custom_components.solarman.solarman] RECD: a5 1f 00 10 15 a5 49 bf 82 98 ae 02 01 ee 0f 00 00 53 0a 00 00 d6 b9 7a 66 01 03 0c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 93 70 98 15
2024-06-25 16:44:37.260 WARNING (SyncWorker_1) [custom_components.solarman.solarman] Querying [586 - 591] failed with exception [ValueError: Invalidate complete dataset (Battery Temperature ~ -100.0)]
2024-06-25 16:44:37.260 INFO (SyncWorker_1) [custom_components.solarman.solarman] Disconnecting from solarman data logger
2024-06-25 16:44:37.263 WARNING (SyncWorker_1) [custom_components.solarman.solarman] Querying [586 - 591] failed, [0] retry attempts left
2024-06-25 16:44:37.263 WARNING (SyncWorker_1) [custom_components.solarman.solarman] Querying registers [586 - 591] failed, aborting.
2024-06-25 16:44:37.264 DEBUG (SyncWorker_1) [custom_components.solarman.sensor] No value recorded for PV1 Power
2024-06-25 16:44:37.266 DEBUG (SyncWorker_11) [custom_components.solarman.sensor] No value recorded for PV2 Power

I've tried several config files that seemed plausible but they all fail in the same way: Querying [586 - 591] failed with exception [ValueError: Invalidate complete dataset (Battery Temperature ~ -100.0)]

ligius- commented 5 days ago

My bad, can be closed. The registers are different for LP1 than LP3. The default ones from deye_hybrid.yaml work fine, for reference they are these ones:

For people running into the same problem: you need to delete the device completely (integration entry -> delete) and reconfigure it with the new yaml.