Stephane-D / SGDK

SGDK - A free and open development kit for the Sega Mega Drive
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Opinion/Question: Why using Java for tools? #129

Closed raysan5 closed 6 years ago

raysan5 commented 6 years ago

Hi, I've been following this project for long time, really like it despite not having enough time to use it extensively. Creating a Megadrive game is in my long TODO list.

I've seen that lately you're relying on Java for some tools creation, specifically resourcemanager, my question is, why not use also C for tools creation? Java requires Java Runtime installation and, personally, I don't like it. Usually a Java app is also slower and more cumbersome than a simple C application.

I've created a simple and easy-to-use C library for apps/gamedev: raylib (lightweight, multiplatform, no-external-dependencies, high-performant), also created raygui, intended for simple tools, and I think it could fit with your tooling.

I can take a look to resourcemanager and see if I can create some similar interface with raylib+raygui. Please, could you share some screenshots of resourcemanager (I can't find the binary)?

In any case, congrats for your amazing library! :)

turiaso commented 6 years ago

Hi Ray,

The decision to develop the tools in Java instead of in C has been fundamentally for 3 reasons:

I hope to have solved your doubts.

Enjoy the new version of Resource Manager 0.4.0
