StephaneCouturier / Katalog

Katalog is an application to manage catalogs of disks and files to search and get statistics.
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Questions about the project #443

Open github-userx opened 1 year ago

github-userx commented 1 year ago

Hi Stéphane!

just found your project „Katalog“! Do I understand it correctly that Katalog is still a fairly new project? Or when exactly did you start to work on it & when did you decide to release it publicly?

Also, I am confused by where the main work takes place or where the „home“ of this project is: on GitHub or on sourceforge?

i have been very much looking for a cataloging software on Linux. I had only found these old tools from which many have already been abandoned for more than a decade:

Katalog looks very modern and well designed! I am impressed by how many commits you’ve done, how much you have apparently worked on this already and how many future features you have planned for this program!

Is it a hobby project you started because you needed such a Tool yourself?

Looking forward to hearing from You!

StephaneCouturier commented 1 year ago

Hi Archivist!

First public release was in August 2020, I started earlier that year.

Code is managed on Github, I release program files on Sourceforge for statistics features.

Did you try Katalog on Linux? I would like get feedback as it can be tricky to package and release for various distributions!

I have tried the tools you listed, except Basenji. I prefer Tellico over GStar but for collections. and I was a user of vvv, which still has some core features on which I'm trying to catch up, but it is lacking advanced Search features and Statistics. This is what got me to start Katalog. As I tell briefly on the wiki home page: Story of Katalog . Need for a tool to manage files on multiple drives, with most advanced features, . Potential integration with other KDE apps: Dolphin, Filelight, Krename,Kfind, Baloo . Fun project to learn C++, Qt, and KF5

Thanks! I try and commit myself to 1 Release per month, from a few bug fixes to new features depending on time and complexity.

Any further feedback would be much appreciated!

github-userx commented 1 year ago

Thank You so much for all the answers, Stéphane!

I will try out Katalog on Linux. Are You running Kubuntu yourself? I am using Distributions like Ubuntu-Mate and Xubuntu.

It‘s great that you are so familiar with other and similar tools, I’m sure in the opensource philosophy they can provide useful inspiration for Katalog.

I guess theoretically regular file managers like Caja, PCManFM, Thunar etc could implement/add a feature to browser external hard drives when they’re not even attached anymore. This is basically how I even found out about Katalog(ing) Software in General!

A cheap and fast solution would of course to just use the tree command and save the output for each external hard drive in a txt file. But tools like Katalog give us so much more options to search and sort our files, lists, data!

From what I understand vvv for example is kind of broken right now on Linux. So we are in dire need of great tools like Katalog - It felt like Discovering a secret when I found your repository! :) I guess we could add even more tags and description to it and more people might find it when browsing Cataloging software Linux Alternatives on if we add it there as well (if/when you consider it to be stable):

github-userx commented 1 year ago

Any further feedback would be much appreciated!

I still found some other obscure Kataloging projects, I hope You don’t take offense in me mentioning these here - I‘d think they can add as inspiration and maybe someone from another project might even want to joint Katalog here: