StephaneCouturier / Katalog

Katalog is an application to manage catalogs of disks and files to search and get statistics.
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FEATURE REQUEST: Case insensitive sorting #556

Open onjour opened 1 week ago

onjour commented 1 week ago

Hi Stephane,

Thank you again for all your work, Katalog is getting better and better with each release.

I couldn't help but notice in large listings that sorting is by default sensitive to case while most my systems aren't, would you consider adding an option to have case insensitive sorting?

So instead of :

We would have :

Thanks and best,

StephaneCouturier commented 1 week ago

Thanks @onjour for the encouragement and for this! It is something I had in mind once but never logged :) Really appreciate the example.

I already included the change as it looks like the right default sorting. Image

I will try and make it an option now.

StephaneCouturier commented 1 week ago
StephaneCouturier commented 1 week ago

Also applied to Explore screen: explore_sorting