Stephanevg / PSClassUtils

A set of utilities to work with Powershell Classes
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Write-CUClassDiagram error if multiple constructor #110

Open LaurentLienhard opened 5 years ago

LaurentLienhard commented 5 years ago

When you generate a diagram for the simple class with 2 constructors

class ClassName {

    ClassName ([System.String]$Param1,[System.String]$Param2) {
        Write-Verbose "Param 1 = $($Param1)"
        Write-Verbose "Param 2 = $($Param2)"

    ClassName ([System.String]$Param3) {
        Write-Verbose "Param 3 = $($Param3)"

There's an error on the diagram


LaurentLienhard commented 5 years ago

In the Out-CUPSGraph function the parameter $InputObject seems good The function find 2 constructors and the second does have only one parameter image

it seems that it is after this scriptblock that the problem appears $Graph = Graph -ScriptBlock line 631

I hope it helps you a little