Stephanevg / PSClassUtils

A set of utilities to work with Powershell Classes
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Update PSClassUtils.psm1 and ClassUtils.Write-CUClassDiagram.Tests.ps1 for Linux support. #43

Closed tigerfansga closed 5 years ago

tigerfansga commented 5 years ago

Changed sort and mkdir to Sort-Object and New-Item -ItemType Directory to correct issues on Linux. PowerShell core does not create aliases that are native commands for a platform.

Fixed an issue where a path was broken because the Linux file system is case sensitive.

This is in support of issue #34

Stephanevg commented 5 years ago

Fantastic! thank you so much for your PR @tigerfansga !! 👍 Having support for Linux is really a killer feature to have, and that, thanks to you! You are the man 🎉 🎈 👍