Stephanevg / PSClassUtils

A set of utilities to work with Powershell Classes
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Write-CUClassDiagram Throws error on PSCore (Windows) #57

Open Stephanevg opened 5 years ago

Stephanevg commented 5 years ago
PS C:\Users\taavast3> Write-CUClassDiagram -Path C:\MyHomeRepos\PSHTML\PSHTML\Classes\Public\Chart.ps1 -Show
The module PSGraph is a prerequisite for this script to work. Please Install PSGraph first using Install-Module PSGraph
At C:\MyHomeRepos\PSClassUtils\PSClassUtils\Functions\Public\Write-CUClassDiagram.ps1:113 char:13
+             throw 'The module PSGraph is a prerequisite for this scri ...
+             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo          : OperationStopped: (The module PSGr...-Module PSGraph:String) [], RuntimeException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : The module PSGraph is a prerequisite for this script to work. Please Install PSGraph first using Install-Module PSGraph