This function will take in a char representing a move, a starting location, and will output an ending location.
The char input will be one of the following: w (up), a (left), s (down), d (right), p (passage), or a numeric representing a door through which to exit a room. In the case of the command line ASCII board, the char will be the user's input directly. If another controller is implemented, the control input will be converted to the corresponding char for processing by the function.
This function is intended to be called in a loop over a string of input representing a player's entire dice-roll-length move.
This function will take in a char representing a move, a starting location, and will output an ending location.
The char input will be one of the following: w (up), a (left), s (down), d (right), p (passage), or a numeric representing a door through which to exit a room. In the case of the command line ASCII board, the char will be the user's input directly. If another controller is implemented, the control input will be converted to the corresponding char for processing by the function.
This function is intended to be called in a loop over a string of input representing a player's entire dice-roll-length move.