StephenBlackWasAlreadyTaken / xDrip-Experimental

Experimental Branches for Collaboration on DexDrip
GNU General Public License v3.0
25 stars 62 forks source link

G5 fixes2 #336

Closed AdrianLxM closed 7 years ago

AdrianLxM commented 8 years ago

This atm is Alpha 8.1

M1Sports20 commented 8 years ago

Hello, I have been testing this and have had worse syncing problems than branch g5_fixes. Just an FYI.

AdrianLxM commented 8 years ago

@M1Sports20 was the difference between Alpha 8 and Alpha 8.1?

M1Sports20 commented 8 years ago

I don't see versions

commit 185e3d8 works a lot better than 0c270d9

Let me know if you need any support. development or anything. I just found these projects and am looking them over.

AdrianLxM commented 8 years ago

@M1Sports20, As you sound like you could pull logcats from Android, you could/should join "xDrip G5 closed testing" on facebook (I know facebook :/ , but it's the best way to reach the users)

chrisprad commented 8 years ago

I'm a developer and have been playing with this branch over the weekend as well. Communication is pretty wonky on my Nexus 6 on the newest OTA with Marshmallow. I've got readings, but with heavy gaps and multiple resets/redeployments required. I'll try commit 185e3d8 shortly.

I tried to join the facebook group, but it's still left in the "Pending" state after a few days.

victorkp commented 8 years ago

Been using for two weeks on Nexus 6P, Android N dev preview 3, with quite good results.

Also Pending on Facebook Group.

Mondelman commented 8 years ago

Still pending to be authorized for testing G5 and MotoG3. Hope it can be done before weekend, it's perfect time for me as I have some spare time...

chrisprt commented 8 years ago

@Mondelman If you identify a build that you'd like to try (release, commit, whatever) I'd be happy to build it for you. I've been pending for months on FB with no response.

Mondelman commented 8 years ago

It works ok in my G3, though some instability when wifi is on. I'd like to have sort of notebook in the program, just to keep track of carbs and insulin bolus. Many thanks, @chrisprt

chrisprt commented 8 years ago

@Mondelman That's good. Another huge problem (I believe) I have is interference from the Receiver or other 2.4ghz devices. BLE seems to be especially fickle, and the android stack isn't stellar either.

Mondelman commented 8 years ago

Once running, I can switch iPhone Bluetooth on and no interference, at least in my case. Keep you updated with any further comments. BR