StephenBlackWasAlreadyTaken / xDrip

Android Application that collects dex signals, allows calibrations, and uploads
GNU General Public License v3.0
208 stars 176 forks source link

Auto configure with QR code on google nexus #150

Closed jonprogers closed 3 years ago

jonprogers commented 8 years ago


New to this so I hope I've not missed this being reported before...

Just set everything up with a WiFi Wixel and stunned when BGs started to appear on Nightscout site - fantastic work thanks!!

When configuring using the autoconfig QR code the andriod app errored saying there was a problem with the camera that required a restart - but a restart didn't help. I therefore configured manually and all up and running.

Whilst reading the Wiki I saw the comment about location services having to have permissions explicitly granted so I wondered if there was a similar root cause for my issue.

Indeed once I explicitly granted permissions for xDrip to use the camera from Apps>xDrip>permissions the errors stopped and everything sprang to life.

I hope it's OK to post the solution with the issue...

