StephenBlackWasAlreadyTaken / xDrip

Android Application that collects dex signals, allows calibrations, and uploads
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Upload data to dexcom share outside US server #200

Open JoanoToxo opened 6 years ago

JoanoToxo commented 6 years ago

Would like to send the glucose data to the upload to dexcom servers. I have libre sensor, blukon and xdrip+ app. I had installed the dexcom follower app in other android phone, I see the graphic but I don't see the glucose data. dexcom_follow_screen

PatrikTrestik commented 6 years ago

Hello. Same problem here. XDrip sucesfully sent follower invite, so I guess connection is established. But follow app still reports status disconnected.

I'm ready to help solving problem. Let me know where to look if more info is required. Once I have more time I'll try to sniff network traffic.

PatrikTrestik commented 6 years ago

This is response from Dexcom server. What SN I shoud use? { "Code": "MonitoredReceiverNotAssigned", "Message": "Publisher account does not have a valid monitored receiver.", "SubCode": "\u003cOnlineException DateThrownLocal\u003d\"2017-11-18 14:47:12.2967619-08:00\" DateThrown\u003d\"2017-11-18 22:47:12.2967619+00:00\" ErrorCode\u003d\"MonitoredReceiverNotAssigned\" Type\u003d\"14\" Category\u003d\"5\" Severity\u003d\"1\" TypeString\u003d\"InvalidState\" CategoryString\u003d\"Logical\" SeverityString\u003d\"Minor\" HostName\u003d\"\" HostIP\u003d\"\" Id\u003d\"{72FB06A3-AD3D-4895-8C0A-39E2E37D4EA8}\" Message\u003d\"Publisher account does not have a valid monitored receiver.\" FullText\u003d\"Dexcom.Common.OnlineException: Publisher account does not have a valid monitored receiver.\" /\u003e", "TypeName": "FaultException" }

apeterson22 commented 6 years ago

Are you sure that you cam send the data from a non-dexcom device to dexcom servers? Based on the error message posted it's not recognizing the device as a dexcom device.

On Nov 18, 2017 15:13, "PatrikT" wrote:

This is response from Dexcom server. What SN I shoud use? { "Code": "MonitoredReceiverNotAssigned", "Message": "Publisher account does not have a valid monitored receiver.", "SubCode": "\u003cOnlineException DateThrownLocal\u003d"2017-11-18 14:47:12.2967619-08:00" DateThrown\u003d"2017-11-18 22:47:12.2967619+00:00" ErrorCode\u003d"MonitoredReceiverNotAssigned" Type\u003d"14" Category\u003d"5" Severity\u003d"1" TypeString\u003d"InvalidState" CategoryString\u003d"Logical" SeverityString\u003d"Minor" HostName\u003d"" HostIP\u003d"" Id\u003d"{72FB06A3-AD3D-4895-8C0A-39E2E37D4EA8}" Message\u003d"Publisher account does not have a valid monitored receiver." FullText\u003d"Dexcom.Common.OnlineException: Publisher account does not have a valid monitored receiver." /\u003e", "TypeName": "FaultException" }

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PatrikTrestik commented 6 years ago

I tested two configs. 1) xDrip+, receiving G5 2) xDrip+, sync follower Originally I used SN of my old G4 receiver, but than tried also random SN.

At start it was not working in either config. Now it started to send nearly without reason. I guess it was change in SN which helped.

What is correct, to send from follower or reader?

JoanoToxo commented 6 years ago

I haven't receiving G5. I have libre sensor, blukon and xdrip+ app. Is it posible send the data from a non-dexcom device to dexcom servers? I don't know. It can be the problem.