StephenBlackWasAlreadyTaken / xDrip

Android Application that collects dex signals, allows calibrations, and uploads
GNU General Public License v3.0
207 stars 176 forks source link

Initial calibration request & "Cannot Calibrate right now" #254

Open Meekelis opened 5 years ago

Meekelis commented 5 years ago

Today my sensor auto-restarted and I did not calibrate it for over 60 minutes. After that, I was stuck in a situation where it needed an initial calibration and the hamburger menu showed that xDrip "Cannot Calibrate right now".

Workaround: The situation was very unintuitive, and only calibrating manually 4x yielded the 2x initial calibration result. Each time I have decided to input a calibration reading manually until a calibration had shown up in the queue in the status screen. After the first successful calibration (two attempts), the main screen presented a message: "Needs Second Calibration". Then I repeated the same for the second input.

Augmented log:

23:54 Requesting preemtive session restart
23:54 Cannot reprocess start G6 sensor as calibration code not set!
[note: Calibration code was set in a previous session.]
23:54 Session Stopped Successfully: 1970-01-01 01:00:00 2019-04-16 21:44:33
23:54 Session start time reports: 2019-04-16 21:44:34 Duration: 2 hours

00:29, 00:34 authentication notification throwable: (GET_DATA) com.polidea.rxandroidble.exceptions.BleDisconnectedException: Disconnected from [..] with status 19 (UNKNOWN) [..]

[note: "Signal missed" info appeared in the main screen at some point now. Following that, I am trying to manually calibrate at this point]

01:13 NativeCalibrationPipe Cannot send calibration older than 1 hour to transmitter: [..]@2019-04-15 02:32:40

[note: I am still trying to enter the same glucose value manually at this point]

01:13 AddCalibration Ignoring Remote calibration value as identical to last one: [..]
01:14 Ob1G5StateMachine Calibration accepted by G5 transmitter

[note: now for the second manual calibration]

01:15 NativeCalibrationPipe Cannot send calibration older than 1 hour to transmitter: [..]@2019-04-15 02:32:40

[note: entering the same glucose value for the second time on the second manual calib]

01:15 AddCalibration Ignoring Remote calibration value as identical to last one: [..]

[note: at this point normal glucose values show up on the graph, business as usual]

Version details:

Code: 1904130957
Downgradable to: 1603091400

Data Source: G6 Native
Bluetooth Device:8119[..]
DexcomSQ Authed
Connection Status:FW:
Sensor Start:10/04/2019 (6d 6h)

Other Notes:

Battery was OK - this was first sensor and first restart for this TX.

Let me know what more details you might need. Log is pretty devoid of anything other of significance to this matter. Thanks.

mountrcg commented 4 years ago

Same here. I did 2 manual calibs and only then got to the screen where I could input the 2 initial calibs. Hamburger menu said can't calibrate right now.