StephenCleary / AsyncEx

A helper library for async/await.
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Handle completed tasks in ApmAsyncFactory. #282

Open fiseni opened 10 months ago

fiseni commented 10 months ago

This fixes #281.

I couldn't really find documentation on how to handle sync operations in APM. I tested various options, and it seems the IAsyncResult response should have the CompletedSynchronously set to true to indicate that this is a sync flow. In that case, we're not obliged to call the callback, and that's exactly what we need. But, the Task has a hard-coded false value for this property, so returning Task will never work in this scenario. I just ended up using a new internal type CompletedAsyncResult for this scenario.

This fixes all issues, at least the usages I can think of.

StephenCleary commented 10 months ago

CompletedSynchronously was my first thought as well. However, that cannot be the whole story because the alternative solution also uses a Task implementation of IAsyncResult, which has CompletedSynchronously set to false.

fiseni commented 10 months ago

For ToBegin

For ToEnd

What am I missing here? 🤔

fiseni commented 10 months ago

I might have misunderstood your comment. What do you mean by "alternative solution"? Are you referring to the solution in this article? It's using a continuation, which is dispatched in a separate thread. That's why it always works and we don't need the sync flow (even if the task returns synchronously).

public static IAsyncResult AsApm<T>(this Task<T> task,
                                    AsyncCallback callback,
                                    object state)
    if (task == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("task");

    var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<T>(state);
    task.ContinueWith(t =>
                         if (t.IsFaulted)
                         else if (t.IsCanceled)

                         if (callback != null)
                      }, TaskScheduler.Default);
    return tcs.Task;
Pretasoc commented 2 months ago

I saw you already found a solution. So please do not feel pressured in any way by this comment. It just happened, that i stumbled apon an other solution for this problem earlier this day. You may wanna have a look at this Task to apm wrapper.

The difference is not that large. It also uses an async result wrapper. It might be a little more lightweight, thatn allocation a new task completion source, but i cannot judge if thats a noticable difference (i highly doubt it).

fiseni commented 2 months ago

Thanks. I'm just a contributor and created the PR only as a suggestion. @StephenCleary will review it at some convenient time. Perhaps he has other ideas for resolving the issue at hand.