StephenCleary / Comparers

The last comparison library you'll ever need!
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Using default comparer builder option throws StackOverflowException. #25

Closed amir734jj closed 5 years ago

amir734jj commented 5 years ago

Using Default throws StackOverflowException exception but using OrderBy(x => x.Weight) works fine.

public class Component : ComparableBase<Component>
    static Component()
        DefaultComparer = ComparerBuilder.For<Component>().Default();

    public double AccWeight { get; set; }

    public double Weight { get; set; }
StephenCleary commented 5 years ago

The Default comparer will forward to the IComparable<T> implementation. What behavior were you expecting?

amir734jj commented 5 years ago

This throws an exception

            var c1 = new Component
                Weight = 0.7,
                AccWeight = 0.2

            var c2 = new Component
                Weight = 0.7,
                AccWeight = 0.2

            var result = c1.Equals(c2);
StephenCleary commented 5 years ago

Yes, the Default comparer forwards to IComparable<T>, which is implemented by the DefaultComparer, which is just Default, which forwards to IComparable<T>, ... So of course you're going to get a stack overflow exception.

Again, what behavior were you expecting?

amir734jj commented 5 years ago

I expected it to compare one property at a time and return true.

amir734jj commented 5 years ago

I may be wrong but I don't think using Equals method should never throw StackOverflowException regardless of implementation. It should return either true or false.

StephenCleary commented 5 years ago

@amir734jj: Nito.Comparers does not reflect over all properties of types. That's rarely the desired behavior.

The Default() comparer is behaving appropriately. You would have the same exact problem with the .NET Comparer<T>.Default or EqualityComparer<T>.Default.

amir734jj commented 5 years ago

I understand. I am passionate about this subject because I spend too much time daily writing and maintaining Equals and GetHashCode methods. We don't necessarily need to use reflection every time. We can just create an Expression and compile it once.

   public class Component
        public double AccumulatedWeight { get; set; }

        public double Weight { get; set; }

        public Nested NestedRef { get; set; }

    public class Nested
        public double NestedProp { get; set; }

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var c1 = new Component
                Weight = 0.7,
                AccumulatedWeight = 0.2,
                NestedRef = new Nested
                    NestedProp = 223

            var c2 = new Component
                Weight = 0.7,
                AccumulatedWeight = 0.2,
                NestedRef = new Nested
                    NestedProp = 223

            var result = BuildEquals<Component>()(c1, c2);


        public static Func<T, T, bool> BuildEquals<T>()
            return ((Expression<Func<T, T, bool>>) BuildEquals(typeof(T))).Compile();

        public static Expression BuildEquals(Type type)
            bool IsComplexType(Type nestedType)
                return !nestedType.Namespace.StartsWith("System.Collections") && nestedType.IsClass;

            var arg1 = Expression.Parameter(type);
            var arg2 = Expression.Parameter(type);

            var body = type
                .Select(x =>
                    if (IsComplexType(x.PropertyType))
                        return (Expression) Expression.Invoke(BuildEquals(x.PropertyType),
                            Expression.Property(arg1, x.Name),
                            Expression.Property(arg2, x.Name));
                        return Expression.Equal(Expression.Property(arg1, x.Name), Expression.Property(arg2, x.Name));
                .Aggregate((x, y) => Expression.And(x, y));

            return Expression.Lambda(body, arg1, arg2);
StephenCleary commented 5 years ago

You can use a similar approach to BuildEquals along with Nito.Comparers as such:

public static IFullEqualityComparer<T> BuildAllMembersEqualityComparer<T>()
    var result = EqualityComparerBuilder.For<T>().Null();
    var type = typeof(T);
    var parameter = Expression.Parameter(type);
    foreach (var prop in type.GetProperties())
        var expression = Expression.Property(parameter, prop.Name);
        dynamic selector = Expression.Lambda(expression, parameter).Compile();
        dynamic childComparer = null;
        if (IsComplexType(prop.PropertyType))
            childComparer = ((MethodInfo)MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()).MakeGenericMethod(prop.PropertyType).Invoke(null, null);
        result = EqualityComparerExtensions.ThenEquateBy(result, selector, childComparer);
    return result;

    bool IsComplexType(Type nestedType) => !nestedType.Namespace.StartsWith("System.Collections") && nestedType.IsClass;

This code takes a similar approach as run-time comparers: starting with Null (everything is equivalent), and adding a ThenEquateBy clause for each member.

Using Nito.Comparers in this way, the same lambda expressions are used to implement both Equals and GetHashCode.