has updated react-dom (a npm dependency in /web) from "16.3.2" to "16.8.4".
### React DOM and other renderers
- Fix a bug where DevTools caused a runtime error when inspecting a component that used a `useContext` hook. ([bvaughn]( in [#14940](
### React DOM
- Fix a bug that caused inputs to behave incorrectly in UMD builds. ([gaearon]( in [#14914](
- Fix a bug that caused render phase updates to be discarded. ([gaearon]( in [#14852](
### React DOM Server
- Unwind the context stack when a stream is destroyed without completing, to prevent incorrect values during a subsequent render. ([overlookmotel]( in [#14706](
## ESLint Plugin for React Hooks
* Add a new recommended `exhaustive-deps` rule. ([gaearon]( in [#14636](
## Artifacts
* **react**:
* **react-art**:
* **react-dom**:
* **react-is**:
* **react-test-renderer**:
* **scheduler**:
### React DOM
* Fix `ReactDOM.render` being ignored inside `useEffect`. ([gaearon]( in [#14799](
* Fix a crash when unmounting empty portals. ([gaearon]( in [#14820](
* Fix `useImperativeHandle` to work correctly when no deps are specified. ([gaearon]( in [#14801](
* Fix `crossOrigin` attribute to work in SVG `image` elements. ([aweary]( in [#14832](
* Fix a false positive warning when using Suspense with Hooks. ([gaearon]( in [#14821](
### React Test Utils and React Test Renderer
* Include component stack into the `act()` warning. ([threepointone]( in [#14855](
## Artifacts
* **react**:
* **react-art**:
* **react-dom**:
* **react-is**:
* **react-test-renderer**:
* **scheduler**:
### React DOM and React Test Renderer
* Fix a crash when used together with an older version of React. ([bvaughn]( in [#14770](
### React Test Utils
* Fix a crash in Node environment. ([threepointone]( in [#14768](
## Artifacts
* **react**:
* **react-art**:
* **react-dom**:
* **react-is**:
* **react-test-renderer**:
* **scheduler**:
### React
* Add [Hooks]( — a way to use state and other React features without writing a class. ([acdlite]( et al. in [#13968](
* Improve the `useReducer` Hook lazy initialization API. ([acdlite]( in [#14723](
### React DOM
* Bail out of rendering on identical values for `useState` and `useReducer` Hooks. ([acdlite]( in [#14569](
* Use `` algorithm for comparing `useState` and `useReducer` values. ([Jessidhia]( in [#14752](
* Don’t compare the first argument passed to `useEffect`/`useMemo`/`useCallback` Hooks. ([acdlite]( in [#14594](
* Support synchronous thenables passed to `React.lazy()`. ([gaearon]( in [#14626](
* Render components with Hooks twice in Strict Mode (DEV-only) to match class behavior. ([gaearon]( in [#14654](
* Warn about mismatching Hook order in development. ([threepointone]( in [#14585]( and [acdlite]( in [#14591](
* Effect clean-up functions must return either `undefined` or a function. All other values, including `null`, are not allowed. [acdlite]( in [#14119](
### React Test Renderer and Test Utils
* Support Hooks in the shallow renderer. ([trueadm]( in [#14567](
* Fix wrong state in `shouldComponentUpdate` in the presence of `getDerivedStateFromProps` for Shallow Renderer. ([chenesan]( in [#14613](
* Add `ReactTestRenderer.act()` and `ReactTestUtils.act()` for batching updates so that tests more closely match real behavior. ([threepointone]( in [#14744](
### ESLint Plugin: React Hooks
* Initial [release]( ([calebmer]( in [#13968](
* Fix reporting after encountering a loop. ([calebmer]( and [Yurickh]( in [#14661](
* Don't consider throwing to be a rule violation. ([sophiebits]( in [#14040](
## Artifacts
* **react**:
* **react-art**:
* **react-dom**:
* **react-is**:
* **react-test-renderer**:
* **scheduler**:
### React DOM
* Fix performance of `React.lazy` for large numbers of lazily-loaded components. ([acdlite]( in [#14429](
* Clear fields on unmount to avoid memory leaks. ([trueadm]( in [#14276](
* Fix bug with SSR and context when mixing `react-dom/server@16.6` and `react@<16.6`. ([gaearon]( in [#14291](
* Fix a performance regression in profiling mode. ([bvaughn]( in [#14383](
### Scheduler (Experimental)
* Post to MessageChannel instead of window. ([acdlite]( in [#14234](
* Reduce serialization overhead. ([developit]( in [#14249](
* Fix fallback to `setTimeout` in testing environments. ([bvaughn]( in [#14358](
* Add methods for debugging. ([mrkev]( in [#14053](
## Artifacts
* **react**:
* **react-art**:
* **react-dom**:
* **react-is**:
* **react-test-renderer**:
* **scheduler**:
### React DOM
* Fix bugs in `Suspense` and `lazy`. ([acdlite]( in [#14133](, [#14157](, and [#14164](
* Fix highlighting of `React.memo` updates in React DevTools. ([bvaughn]( in [#14141](
* Fix interaction of Suspense with the React Profiler. ([bvaughn]( in [#14065](
* Fix a false positive warning when using Suspense. ([acdlite]( in [#14158](
### React DOM Server
* Fix incorrect sharing of context state between `renderToNodeStream()` calls. ([sebmarkbage]( in [#14182](
* Add a warning about incorrect usage of the context API. ([trueadm]( in [#14033](
This release was published in a broken state and should be skipped.
### React DOM
* Fallback should not remount every time a promise resolves. ([acdlite]( in [#14083](
* Fix bug where Suspense keeps showing fallback even after everything finishes loading. ([acdlite]( in [#14083](
* Fix a crash when Suspense finishes loading in IE11. ([sophiebits]( in [#14126](
* Fix unresolved default props in lifecycle methods of a lazy component. ([gaearon]( in [#14112](
* Fix bug when recovering from an error thrown during complete phase. ([gaearon]( in [#14104](
### Scheduler (Experimental)
* Switch from deadline object to `shouldYield` API. ([acdlite]( in [#14025](
### React
* Add `React.memo()` as an alternative to `PureComponent` for functions. ([acdlite]( in [#13748](
* Add `React.lazy()` for code splitting components. ([acdlite]( in [#13885](
* `React.StrictMode` now warns about legacy context API. ([bvaughn]( in [#13760](
* `React.StrictMode` now warns about `findDOMNode`. ([sebmarkbage]( in [#13841](
* Rename `unstable_AsyncMode` to `unstable_ConcurrentMode`. ([trueadm]( in [#13732](
* Rename `unstable_Placeholder` to `Suspense`, and `delayMs` to `maxDuration`. ([gaearon]( in [#13799]( and [sebmarkbage]( in [#13922](
### React DOM
* Add `contextType` as a more ergonomic way to subscribe to context from a class. ([bvaughn]( in [#13728](
* Add `getDerivedStateFromError` lifecycle method for catching errors in a future asynchronous server-side renderer. ([bvaughn]( in [#13746](
* Warn when `` is used instead of ``. ([trueadm]( in [#13829](
* Fix gray overlay on iOS Safari. ([philipp-spiess]( in [#13778](
* Fix a bug caused by overwriting `window.event` in development. ([sergei-startsev]( in [#13697](
### React DOM Server
* Add support for `React.memo()`. ([alexmckenley]( in [#13855](
* Add support for `contextType`. ([alexmckenley]( and [sebmarkbage]( in [#13889](
### Scheduler (Experimental)
* Rename the package to `scheduler`. ([gaearon]( in [#13683](
* Support priority levels, continuations, and wrapped callbacks. ([acdlite]( in [#13720]( and [#13842](
* Improve the fallback mechanism in non-DOM environments. ([acdlite]( in [#13740](
* Schedule `requestAnimationFrame` earlier. ([acdlite]( in [#13785](
* Fix the DOM detection to be more thorough. ([trueadm]( in [#13731](
* Fix bugs with interaction tracing. ([bvaughn]( in [#13590](
* Add the `envify` transform to the package. ([mridgway]( in [#13766](
### React DOM
* Fixed a recent `16.5.1
## 16.5.1 (September 13, 2018)
### React
* Improve the warning when `React.forwardRef` receives an unexpected number of arguments. ([andresroberto]( in [#13636](
### React DOM
* Fix a regression in unstable exports used by React Native Web. ([aweary]( in [#13598](
* Fix a crash when component defines a method called `isReactComponent`. ([gaearon]( in [#13608](
* Fix a crash in development mode in IE9 when printing a warning. ([link-alex]( in [#13620](
* Provide a better error message when running `react-dom/profiling` with `schedule/tracking`. ([bvaughn]( in [#13605](
* If a `ForwardRef` component defines a `displayName`, use it in warnings. ([probablyup]( in [#13615](
### Schedule (Experimental)
* Add a separate profiling entry point at `schedule/tracking-profiling`. ([bvaughn]( in [#13605](
### React
* Add a warning if `React.forwardRef` render function doesn't take exactly two arguments ([bvaughn]( in [#13168](
* Improve the error message when passing an element to `createElement` by mistake ([DCtheTall]( in [#13131](
* Don't call profiler `onRender` until after mutations ([bvaughn]( in [#13572](
### React DOM
* Add support for React DevTools Profiler ([bvaughn]( in [#13058](
* Add `react-dom/profiling` entry point alias for profiling in production ([bvaughn]( in [#13570](
* Add `onAuxClick` event for browsers that support it ([jquense]( in [#11571](
* Add `movementX` and `movementY` fields to mouse events ([jasonwilliams]( in [#9018](
* Add `tangentialPressure` and `twist` fields to pointer events ([motiz88]( in [#13374](
* Minimally support iframes (nested browsing contexts) in selection event handling ([acusti]( in [#12037](
* Support passing booleans to the `focusable` SVG attribute ([gaearon]( in [#13339](
* Ignore `16.4.2
### React DOM Server
* Fix a [potential XSS vulnerability when the attacker controls an attribute name]( (`CVE-2018-6341`). This fix is available in the latest `react-dom@16.4.2`, as well as in previous affected minor versions: `react-dom@16.0.1`, `react-dom@16.1.2`, `react-dom@16.2.1`, and `react-dom@16.3.3`. ([gaearon]( in [#13302](
* Fix a crash in the server renderer when an attribute is called `hasOwnProperty`. This fix is only available in `react-dom@16.4.2`. ([gaearon]( in [#13303](
### React
* You can now assign `propTypes` to components returned by `React.ForwardRef`. ([bvaughn]( in [#12911](
### React DOM
* Fix a crash when the input `type` changes from some other types to `text`. ([spirosikmd]( in [#12135](
* Fix a crash in IE11 when restoring focus to an SVG element. ([ThaddeusJiang]( in [#12996](
* Fix a range input not updating in some cases. ([Illu]( in [#12939](
* Fix input validation triggering unnecessarily in Firefox. ([nhunzaker]( in [#12925](
* Fix an incorrect `` value for the `onChange` event in IE9. ([nhunzaker]( in [#12976](
* Fix a false positive error when returning an empty `` from a component. ([philipp-spiess]( in [#12966](
### React DOM Server
* Fix an incorrect value being provided by new context API. ([ericsoderberghp]( in [#12985](, [gaearon]( in [#13019](
### React Test Renderer
* Allow multiple root children in test renderer traversal API. ([gaearon]( in [#13017](
* Fix `getDerivedStateFromProps()` in the shallow renderer to not discard the pending state. ([fatfisz]( in [#13030]( has updated
(a npm dependency in/web
) from "16.3.2" to "16.8.4".16.8.4
### React DOM and other renderers - Fix a bug where DevTools caused a runtime error when inspecting a component that used a `useContext` hook. ([bvaughn]( in [#14940](
### React DOM - Fix a bug that caused inputs to behave incorrectly in UMD builds. ([gaearon]( in [#14914]( - Fix a bug that caused render phase updates to be discarded. ([gaearon]( in [#14852]( ### React DOM Server - Unwind the context stack when a stream is destroyed without completing, to prevent incorrect values during a subsequent render. ([overlookmotel]( in [#14706]( ## ESLint Plugin for React Hooks * Add a new recommended `exhaustive-deps` rule. ([gaearon]( in [#14636]( ## Artifacts * **react**: * **react-art**: * **react-dom**: * **react-is**: * **react-test-renderer**: * **scheduler**:
### React DOM * Fix `ReactDOM.render` being ignored inside `useEffect`. ([gaearon]( in [#14799]( * Fix a crash when unmounting empty portals. ([gaearon]( in [#14820]( * Fix `useImperativeHandle` to work correctly when no deps are specified. ([gaearon]( in [#14801]( * Fix `crossOrigin` attribute to work in SVG `image` elements. ([aweary]( in [#14832]( * Fix a false positive warning when using Suspense with Hooks. ([gaearon]( in [#14821]( ### React Test Utils and React Test Renderer * Include component stack into the `act()` warning. ([threepointone]( in [#14855]( ## Artifacts * **react**: * **react-art**: * **react-dom**: * **react-is**: * **react-test-renderer**: * **scheduler**:
### React DOM and React Test Renderer * Fix a crash when used together with an older version of React. ([bvaughn]( in [#14770]( ### React Test Utils * Fix a crash in Node environment. ([threepointone]( in [#14768]( ## Artifacts * **react**: * **react-art**: * **react-dom**: * **react-is**: * **react-test-renderer**: * **scheduler**:
### React * Add [Hooks]( — a way to use state and other React features without writing a class. ([acdlite]( et al. in [#13968]( * Improve the `useReducer` Hook lazy initialization API. ([acdlite]( in [#14723]( ### React DOM * Bail out of rendering on identical values for `useState` and `useReducer` Hooks. ([acdlite]( in [#14569]( * Use `` algorithm for comparing `useState` and `useReducer` values. ([Jessidhia]( in [#14752]( * Don’t compare the first argument passed to `useEffect`/`useMemo`/`useCallback` Hooks. ([acdlite]( in [#14594]( * Support synchronous thenables passed to `React.lazy()`. ([gaearon]( in [#14626]( * Render components with Hooks twice in Strict Mode (DEV-only) to match class behavior. ([gaearon]( in [#14654]( * Warn about mismatching Hook order in development. ([threepointone]( in [#14585]( and [acdlite]( in [#14591]( * Effect clean-up functions must return either `undefined` or a function. All other values, including `null`, are not allowed. [acdlite]( in [#14119]( ### React Test Renderer and Test Utils * Support Hooks in the shallow renderer. ([trueadm]( in [#14567]( * Fix wrong state in `shouldComponentUpdate` in the presence of `getDerivedStateFromProps` for Shallow Renderer. ([chenesan]( in [#14613]( * Add `ReactTestRenderer.act()` and `ReactTestUtils.act()` for batching updates so that tests more closely match real behavior. ([threepointone]( in [#14744]( ### ESLint Plugin: React Hooks * Initial [release]( ([calebmer]( in [#13968]( * Fix reporting after encountering a loop. ([calebmer]( and [Yurickh]( in [#14661]( * Don't consider throwing to be a rule violation. ([sophiebits]( in [#14040]( ## Artifacts * **react**: * **react-art**: * **react-dom**: * **react-is**: * **react-test-renderer**: * **scheduler**:
### React DOM * Fix performance of `React.lazy` for large numbers of lazily-loaded components. ([acdlite]( in [#14429]( * Clear fields on unmount to avoid memory leaks. ([trueadm]( in [#14276]( * Fix bug with SSR and context when mixing `react-dom/server@16.6` and `react@<16.6`. ([gaearon]( in [#14291]( * Fix a performance regression in profiling mode. ([bvaughn]( in [#14383]( ### Scheduler (Experimental) * Post to MessageChannel instead of window. ([acdlite]( in [#14234]( * Reduce serialization overhead. ([developit]( in [#14249]( * Fix fallback to `setTimeout` in testing environments. ([bvaughn]( in [#14358]( * Add methods for debugging. ([mrkev]( in [#14053]( ## Artifacts * **react**: * **react-art**: * **react-dom**: * **react-is**: * **react-test-renderer**: * **scheduler**:
### React DOM * Fix bugs in `Suspense` and `lazy`. ([acdlite]( in [#14133](, [#14157](, and [#14164]( * Fix highlighting of `React.memo` updates in React DevTools. ([bvaughn]( in [#14141]( * Fix interaction of Suspense with the React Profiler. ([bvaughn]( in [#14065]( * Fix a false positive warning when using Suspense. ([acdlite]( in [#14158]( ### React DOM Server * Fix incorrect sharing of context state between `renderToNodeStream()` calls. ([sebmarkbage]( in [#14182]( * Add a warning about incorrect usage of the context API. ([trueadm]( in [#14033](
This release was published in a broken state and should be skipped.16.6.1
### React DOM * Fallback should not remount every time a promise resolves. ([acdlite]( in [#14083]( * Fix bug where Suspense keeps showing fallback even after everything finishes loading. ([acdlite]( in [#14083]( * Fix a crash when Suspense finishes loading in IE11. ([sophiebits]( in [#14126]( * Fix unresolved default props in lifecycle methods of a lazy component. ([gaearon]( in [#14112]( * Fix bug when recovering from an error thrown during complete phase. ([gaearon]( in [#14104]( ### Scheduler (Experimental) * Switch from deadline object to `shouldYield` API. ([acdlite]( in [#14025](
### React * Add `React.memo()` as an alternative to `PureComponent` for functions. ([acdlite]( in [#13748]( * Add `React.lazy()` for code splitting components. ([acdlite]( in [#13885]( * `React.StrictMode` now warns about legacy context API. ([bvaughn]( in [#13760]( * `React.StrictMode` now warns about `findDOMNode`. ([sebmarkbage]( in [#13841]( * Rename `unstable_AsyncMode` to `unstable_ConcurrentMode`. ([trueadm]( in [#13732]( * Rename `unstable_Placeholder` to `Suspense`, and `delayMs` to `maxDuration`. ([gaearon]( in [#13799]( and [sebmarkbage]( in [#13922]( ### React DOM * Add `contextType` as a more ergonomic way to subscribe to context from a class. ([bvaughn]( in [#13728]( * Add `getDerivedStateFromError` lifecycle method for catching errors in a future asynchronous server-side renderer. ([bvaughn]( in [#13746]( * Warn when `16.5.2
### React DOM * Fixed a recent `16.5.1
## 16.5.1 (September 13, 2018) ### React * Improve the warning when `React.forwardRef` receives an unexpected number of arguments. ([andresroberto]( in [#13636]( ### React DOM * Fix a regression in unstable exports used by React Native Web. ([aweary]( in [#13598]( * Fix a crash when component defines a method called `isReactComponent`. ([gaearon]( in [#13608]( * Fix a crash in development mode in IE9 when printing a warning. ([link-alex]( in [#13620]( * Provide a better error message when running `react-dom/profiling` with `schedule/tracking`. ([bvaughn]( in [#13605]( * If a `ForwardRef` component defines a `displayName`, use it in warnings. ([probablyup]( in [#13615]( ### Schedule (Experimental) * Add a separate profiling entry point at `schedule/tracking-profiling`. ([bvaughn]( in [#13605](
### React * Add a warning if `React.forwardRef` render function doesn't take exactly two arguments ([bvaughn]( in [#13168]( * Improve the error message when passing an element to `createElement` by mistake ([DCtheTall]( in [#13131]( * Don't call profiler `onRender` until after mutations ([bvaughn]( in [#13572]( ### React DOM * Add support for React DevTools Profiler ([bvaughn]( in [#13058]( * Add `react-dom/profiling` entry point alias for profiling in production ([bvaughn]( in [#13570]( * Add `onAuxClick` event for browsers that support it ([jquense]( in [#11571]( * Add `movementX` and `movementY` fields to mouse events ([jasonwilliams]( in [#9018]( * Add `tangentialPressure` and `twist` fields to pointer events ([motiz88]( in [#13374]( * Minimally support iframes (nested browsing contexts) in selection event handling ([acusti]( in [#12037]( * Support passing booleans to the `focusable` SVG attribute ([gaearon]( in [#13339]( * Ignore `16.4.2
### React DOM Server * Fix a [potential XSS vulnerability when the attacker controls an attribute name]( (`CVE-2018-6341`). This fix is available in the latest `react-dom@16.4.2`, as well as in previous affected minor versions: `react-dom@16.0.1`, `react-dom@16.1.2`, `react-dom@16.2.1`, and `react-dom@16.3.3`. ([gaearon]( in [#13302]( * Fix a crash in the server renderer when an attribute is called `hasOwnProperty`. This fix is only available in `react-dom@16.4.2`. ([gaearon]( in [#13303](
### React * You can now assign `propTypes` to components returned by `React.ForwardRef`. ([bvaughn]( in [#12911]( ### React DOM * Fix a crash when the input `type` changes from some other types to `text`. ([spirosikmd]( in [#12135]( * Fix a crash in IE11 when restoring focus to an SVG element. ([ThaddeusJiang]( in [#12996]( * Fix a range input not updating in some cases. ([Illu]( in [#12939]( * Fix input validation triggering unnecessarily in Firefox. ([nhunzaker]( in [#12925]( * Fix an incorrect `` value for the `onChange` event in IE9. ([nhunzaker]( in [#12976]( * Fix a false positive error when returning an empty `