StephenForte / Estimote-Cordova

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UI for WPF How to display Rad combo box loading message if listview data is loading in wpf #7

Open nextolive2016 opened 7 years ago

nextolive2016 commented 7 years ago

We are loading RadGridView inside the RadComboBox. When we are clicking on the combo box then its take time. I think it's take time due to RadGridView. RadGridView taking time in the data binding so combo box does not populating immediately. We want if item source has not been populated yet, pop up a box “Please wait while the product list is loaded….”. If possible, load the list at that point, then close the box.

<telerik:RadComboBox x:Name="partIdRadComboBox" Grid.Column="1" Height="32" Width="70" Margin="0,10,4,4" VerticalAlignment="Top" EmptyText="-" Text="{Binding Text, Mode=TwoWay}" IsEditable="True" AllowDrop="False" IsTextSearchEnabled="True" OpenDropDownOnFocus="True" FontSize="15" InputScope="Number">