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Oauth2 Strategy error #20

Open JhuneAlfred opened 6 years ago

JhuneAlfred commented 6 years ago

When testing Oauth, below is the error I am receiving when starting the service:

Oauth2Strategy requires a ClientID option

I followed the instructions discussed in section 3, video 22 (Google Strategy Option).

simonhodson commented 6 years ago

Can you post your keys.js and your index.js files on here. We could take a look with you. Don't post your key and secret just the code around it.

JhuneAlfred commented 6 years ago

Here is the keys.js file:

module.export = {
    googleClientID: 'xxxxxx',
    googleClientSecret: 'xxxxxxx'

and below is the index.js

const passport = require('passport')
const GoogleStrategy = require('passport-google-oauth20').Strategy
const keys = require('./config/keys')

const app = express()

    new GoogleStrategy(
            clientID: keys.googleClientID,
            clientSecret: keys.googleClientSecret,
            callbackURL: '/auth/google/callback'
        accessToken => {

        passport.authenticate('google', {scope: ['profile', 'email']

    passport.authenticate('google', {
        successRedirect: '/profile',
        failureRedirect: '/fail'

const PORT = process.env.PORT || 5000
simonhodson commented 6 years ago

I'm just another course student, all looks good to me. My only suggestion at this stage would be a direct authentication method if you haven't already. So in the strategy apply the key values directly

clientID: "yourclientidstring".

Will at least let you know it's not the path to config/keys and rule out that file for errors.

Just a note on this course, Steven did say he rarely checks github comments but if you send him a message and tell him your issue is here he will check it out.

JhuneAlfred commented 6 years ago

I placed the ID and Secret directly within the index.js file and issue is resolved. I just need to figure out why it's not reading the values in the keys.js.

simonhodson commented 6 years ago

Great. Well it's hopefully simple. Check spelling on folders as well as files this often gets missed and the path ./ only works if they folder is at same level as file using it. Good luck.

stern-shawn commented 6 years ago

module.export should be module.exports with an s, I think this minor typo may be breaking your keys.js file's ability to be required in index.js 😃

RigoDeLaTorre commented 5 years ago

I had the same issue..., no typos or anything, as I even tried copy pasting the code directly from his github.

Edit: I just noticed when consoled the process.env.NODE_ENV in there, it is showing as if it was in production. That would explain why we are having that issue. Its trying to pull from the ./prod folder instead of ./dev. Edit2: Try starting the server/react with NODE_ENV='development' npm run dev