StephenGss / PAL

Polycraft World AI Lab
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[POGO] Missing entity actions #35

Open mpatsift opened 2 years ago

mpatsift commented 2 years ago

As reported previously in email (19 Oct 21, 26 Oct 21, 4 Nov 21), our agent only "sees" every third or so action taken by other entities when calling SENSE_ACTOR_ACTIONS.

mpatsift commented 2 years ago

Email from 19 Oct 21:

Hi Stephen and Eric -

I’m not sure whether our agent is seeing all of the actions taken by the other agents. Is there some source of ground truth I can use to check our plumbing?

Eg, in attached log “stepnumber” generally advances by three btwn our sensing and I don’t see any “BREAK_BLOCK” commands although the agent does appear to be removing some logs before our agent can get to them. (Fwiw, I’ve seen “BREAK_BLOCK” in other logs.)

My code should be calling SENSE_ACTOR_ACTIONS after every command (right before it sends SENSE_ALL).

I’m afraid I’m getting this question out just in time to leave town for three days.. If you have followup questions, Dave should be able to help.



mpatsift commented 2 years ago

Email from 26 Oct 21:

Hi Stephen -

Would you like more information from me? I’m not sure where I can dig to find the seemingly missing observations.



mpatsift commented 2 years ago

Hi Stephen -

As I wrote in email yday am (7 Nov 21), I have an example run which seems to show that we're not always getting the pogoist's break_block action. Full log is attached to the email.



Email from 7 Nov 21:

I’m still confused or something is wrong.

Attached is full pal-tournament.log from a run using the pogo_100_PN configs.

In the first game, our agent plans to place a tree tap on a log at 62,17,47, but at run-time finds that the log has disappeared before it performs the place-tree-tap action. Obvious explanation is that the pogoist has performed a break_block on that log, but it doesn’t appear in the actions reported at our bridge:

[2021-11-06 21:56:57] prsinterface[15413] send_message: Sending message to openmind: (domain-fact (name "62,17,47" minecraft.log)) [2021-11-06 21:56:59] ACTION[entity-42]: {'action': <Literal {'action': 'MOVE', 'args': 'east', 'result': 'SUCCESS', 'stepNumber': 18}>, 'entityID': <Literal 42>} [2021-11-06 21:56:59] prsinterface[17365] send_message: Sending message to openmind: (domain-fact (name "62,17,47" minecraft.log)) [2021-11-06 21:57:01] ACTION[entity-42]: {'action': <Literal {'action': 'MOVE', 'args': 'east', 'result': 'SUCCESS', 'stepNumber': 18}>, 'entityID': <Literal 42>} [2021-11-06 21:57:01] prsinterface[19415] send_message: Sending message to openmind: (domain-fact (name "62,17,47" minecraft.log)) [2021-11-06 21:57:03] ACTION[entity-42]: {'action': <Literal {'action': 'TP_TO', 'args': '62,17,48', 'result': 'SUCCESS', 'stepNumber': 24}>, 'entityID': <Literal 42>} [2021-11-06 21:57:03] prsinterface[21360] send_message: Sending message to openmind: (domain-fact (name "62,17,47" minecraft.log)) [2021-11-06 21:57:05] ACTION[entity-42]: {'action': <Literal {'action': 'TP_TO', 'args': '62,17,48', 'result': 'SUCCESS', 'stepNumber': 24}>, 'entityID': <Literal 42>} [2021-11-06 21:57:05] prsinterface[23367] send_message: Sending message to openmind: (domain-fact (name "62,17,47" minecraft.log)) [2021-11-06 21:57:07] ACTION[entity-42]: {'action': <Literal {'action': 'TP_TO', 'args': '62,17,48', 'result': 'SUCCESS', 'stepNumber': 24}>, 'entityID': <Literal 42>} [2021-11-06 21:57:09] ACTION[entity-42]: {'action': <Literal {'action': 'TP_TO', 'args': '62,17,48', 'result': 'SUCCESS', 'stepNumber': 24}>, 'entityID': <Literal 42>} [2021-11-06 21:57:11] ACTION[entity-42]: {'action': <Literal {'action': 'MOVE', 'args': 'west', 'result': 'SUCCESS', 'stepNumber': 36}>, 'entityID': <Literal 42>} [2021-11-06 21:57:13] ACTION[entity-42]: {'action': <Literal {'action': 'MOVE', 'args': 'west', 'result': 'SUCCESS', 'stepNumber': 36}>, 'entityID': <Literal 42>} [2021-11-06 21:57:13] prsinterface[31424] send_message: Sending message to openmind: (domain-fact (entityname "62,17,47" item.tile.sapling.oak))

This excerpt includes entity actions and facts related to loc 62,17,47. You can see that our agent gets multiple reports of the pogoist’s ‘TP_TO’ at stepNumber 24, including one after the log at 62,17,47 has disappeared, but OM never gets a report of a break_block.

musliner commented 2 years ago

is it plausible/correct that we do not see actor actions if we are not in the same room? that at least seems to be the case in an example I'm looking at in musliner@openmind0:~/openmind/code/test/results/pal-tournament-v2-nonov2-2022-03-21-145347-openmind0
where pogoist is near a platinum block when we move into other room, and when we return the platinum is gone, but no break- reported. game 5, 15:04:31 is the return to missing block