StephenMiracle / frankenwp

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Empty response on `/var/www/html` volume instead of `/var/www/html/wp-content` #25

Open mhkarimi1383 opened 3 months ago

mhkarimi1383 commented 3 months ago

I have switched from FPM to this image using sample provided in project, After that I'm getting empty response body there is no failed log in the container or response body

StephenMiracle commented 3 months ago

THat's not good. Can you share any more info on your context? Like what docker image you are using and details of configuration?

The latest docker image should be:


mhkarimi1383 commented 3 months ago

I have used 8.2 but the problem was solved after changing my volume from the entire html directory to only wp-content

But why?

mhkarimi1383 commented 3 months ago

I mean instead of

mhkarimi1383 commented 3 months ago

Since I need to fix the WordPress version to a fixed version. I want to be able to do that

StephenMiracle commented 3 months ago

hm. That's interesting. I'm using the html for my version.
There is a process that happens in the docker image that copies from 1 destination to the /var/www/html location.

is that folder empty locally when running with just /html?

mhkarimi1383 commented 3 months ago

No I was switched from FPM image to this image So the directory was not empty I have also applied changes from this project Dockerfile to my html (mu-plugins, etc.)

StephenMiracle commented 3 months ago

hm. This could be challenging to troubleshoot without being able to see the changes. Can you paste the updated Dockerfile that you are using?

mhkarimi1383 commented 3 months ago

I will In My Dockerfile I have only installed source guardian loader

And I applied changes from this repo by hand (Downloaded contents and placed them in the correct location according to Dockerfile that is in this project)

mhkarimi1383 commented 3 months ago

My Dockerfile is working when I have only volumed the wp-content

mhkarimi1383 commented 3 months ago

Here is my Dockerfile

FROM wpeverywhere/frankenwp:latest-php8.2
RUN set -ex \
    && mkdir /tmp/source_guardian_install \
    && cd /tmp/source_guardian_install  \
    && php_ext_dir="$(php -i | grep extension_dir | head -n1 | awk '{print $3}')" \
    && curl -fSL -o ixed.8.2.lin \
        "" \
    && mv ./ixed.8.2.lin "${php_ext_dir}/" \
    && rm -rf /tmp/source_guardian_install \
    && echo "zend_extension = $php_ext_dir/ixed.8.2.lin" \
        > /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/00-source_guardian.ini

RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install sendmail libnss3-tools -y
StephenMiracle commented 3 months ago

Thanks. I'll check it out this week for you.

mhkarimi1383 commented 3 months ago

@StephenMiracle thanks, I can share my docker compose file if needed

mhkarimi1383 commented 2 months ago

@StephenMiracle Hi Any updates on this?