StephenOTT / ProcessProjectTemplate

Template project for Process (BPMN, CMMN, DMN) / Camunda Projects
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How or where to add java files, pom.xml file and other config in this structure #10

Closed TEJAPS closed 4 years ago

TEJAPS commented 4 years ago


This is the structure of spring-boot camunda pom.xml has dependencies, resources folder have all bpmn,dmn and config files

StephenOTT commented 4 years ago

This structure is not designed for use with spring boot or a java app. This structure is designed for when users are building standalone BPMN and scripts, and then deploying those into a exiting Camunda instance through the Camunda rest API

TEJAPS commented 4 years ago

so in this how we can add task listener or any other such delegates like we do in springboot :

StephenOTT commented 4 years ago

You will have to review the spring boot docs for Camunda. This repository is not related to spring boot and does not have any ability to modify the Camunda engine (such as listener delegates)

TEJAPS commented 4 years ago

Is there any alternate way of using delegate method or execution/task listener in tomcat? Apologies for such a late ask.

StephenOTT commented 4 years ago

You can using Scripting. See the camunda scripting docs.