StephenOTT / Test1

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TimeTrack - Issues test #9

Open draganstudios opened 10 years ago

draganstudios commented 10 years ago

:clock1: 5min | Super easy, no glitch, Setting-up local environment for GitHub-TimeTracker

draganstudios commented 10 years ago

:clock1030: 1h 30min | Feb 24, 2014 3:20pm | Trying a different set of parameters

draganstudios commented 10 years ago

:clock1030: 1h 30min | Feb 24, 2014 3:20pm | Now it will work?

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:clock1030: 4h

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

Test 123

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: 2pm

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: Feb 22, 2014 2pm

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: Feb 22 2pm

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: Feb 22 2pm | Reminder Text

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: Next Friday at 3:05pm | Reminder to call Dragan

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: 4:40pm | test

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: in 1 minute | dog

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: in 10 minutes | happy

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: in 10 minutes | dog 34567890

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: in 13 minutes | happy times

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: Tomorrow at 1am | dogs breakfast

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: tomorrow at 12:30pm

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: in 20 minutes

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: tomorrow at 10:30 am

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: tomorrow at 1am

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: in 25 minutes

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: 10:50pm | call dragan

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: in 3 minutes

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: in 1 minute

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: in 1 minute

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: in 1 minute

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: in 1 minute

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: in 1 minute

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: in 1 minute | call stephen to celebrate responsive emails working with variable data

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: 10pm | testing a 10pm alarm which is 3 hours ahead of time.

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: 9am tomorrow | wake up!!

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: Noon tomorrow | You over slept!

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: 8pm | crack open a beer!

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: tomorrow at 9am | time to wake up

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: in 25 minutes | 25 min test

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: 11pm | 11pm test

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: in 1 minute

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: in 1 minute | 1 min test 2

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: in 1 minute | test 321

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: in 1 minute | dog

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: in 1 minute | Hello

sylus commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: in 1 minute

sylus commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: in 1 minute | message

sylus commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: in 1 minute | message

sylus commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: in 1 minute | message test

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: in 1 minute

StephenOTT2 commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: in 1 minute

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: in 1 minute | qless tag support testing

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: in 1 minute

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: in 1 minute

StephenOTT commented 10 years ago

:alarm_clock: in 4 minutes