StephenOTT / camunda-formio-plugin

Integration for Drag and Drop Formio Form Builder and Renderer with Camunda Tasklist App
MIT License
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Help with Camunda's Run distro (Docker) #51

Open julrichkieffer opened 3 years ago

julrichkieffer commented 3 years ago

Camunda has a self-contained distro called Run. There is also a docker variant which I'm using.

As I'm a novice to Java, Tomcat, etc, I'm struggling to overlay your instructions onto Camunda Run. In particular, I'm reluctant to tinker with the internal folder as it implies "off limits" :).

Could some instructions to integrate this plugin into Camunda Run (docker variant) be created? Some ideas:

I use the latter technique to inject my custom .bpmn files into the /configuration/resources folder. However, I've found that only resources in the same deployment (startupDeployment) can be referenced in form keys (embedded:deployment://). Whereas I'd prefer a once-off deployment of this plugin be accessible from all processes, even those done after startup (e.g. via Modeler).

StephenOTT commented 3 years ago

@julrichkieffer yes I have had a similar request on the forums. The camunda run Distro uses springboot and there is auto-scanning for components: so we can package the plugin as a jar just for the Run Distro and it will be picked up by Run (all variants) when you drop it into the library folder.

I will look to do it this week.

julrichkieffer commented 3 years ago

That's awesome, and thanks for your effort in advance. Might this jar become a release artefact so that any plugin updates are automatically included in the jar? (I'm particularly keen on including the FormIO json within the .bpmn file, so that it's versioned with the process itself. Though nested forms, validations, boundary events, pre-setting submision values may thwart this approach 🍰).

Also, will this jar simply drop into the /configuration/userlib folder (not Tomcat's lib folder) to align with Run's design? I would then be able to volume map it when I start Camunda Run as a docker image.

StephenOTT commented 3 years ago

yes it would be a jar in the release

see the conversations here: It covers discussion about using forms with the BPMN file, pros, cons, etc.

and yes we can build a example of build a docker container with the Run container and align with it's intended usage.

julrichkieffer commented 10 months ago

yes it would be a jar in the release

see the conversations here: It covers discussion about using forms with the BPMN file, pros, cons, etc.

and yes we can build a example of build a docker container with the Run container and align with it's intended usage.

Any news on a release .jar that would be compatibale with Camunda Run's /configuration/userlib extensibility?

NotAJavaDeveloper #CitizenDeveloper