StephenOTT / camunda-prometheus-process-engine-plugin

Monitor your KPIs!!! Camunda BPM Process Engine Plugin providing Prometheus Monitoring, Metric classes for various BPMN use, Grafana Annotations, and HTTPServer data export: Used to generate Prometheus metrics anywhere in the Engine, including BPMN, CMN, and DMN engines and instances.
MIT License
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How to handle Tenants? #12

Open StephenOTT opened 6 years ago

StephenOTT commented 6 years ago

Thoughts are on possibly creating a registry per tenant?


  1. Inside of Camunda: whenever you generate metrics, should a tenant just be a label or a different registry?

  2. How to create global filters inside of grafana? Use of Filter Templates?

StephenOTT commented 6 years ago

Likely should be added as a Label.

Note that doing so will have a incremental effect, where each new tenant will add a new time series. This has possible ramifications for systems with many tenants.

Likely could make this a configuration option within the YAML tenantLabel: true, so it can be configured on a per item basis