StephenSmith25 / PythonFMU3

A lightweight framework that enables the packaging of Python3.x code as co-simulation FMUs following version 3.0
MIT License
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Broken example in documentation #5

Closed steve-biggs-fox closed 2 months ago

steve-biggs-fox commented 2 months ago

The docs are here:

Examples are given.

The second one, BouncingBall, does not compile, with the error message: AttributeError: 'BouncingBall' object has no attribute 'ball'

StephenSmith25 commented 2 months ago

Hey, thanks for finding that. Sorry, I rushed the documentation together and haven't looked at it since. Looks like it's just missing a ,nested=False for the variable derh.

StephenSmith25 commented 2 months ago
