Steppschuh / RemoteControlServer

Remote Control Server
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windows viewer? #139

Closed drogit closed 8 years ago

drogit commented 8 years ago

am i missing something? does it handle windows to windows via internet? i mean the remote is windows (whatever version) and be controlled by windows desktop? or is just via mobile device?

Steppschuh commented 8 years ago

As every description states, the Remote Control Server handles commands from the Remote Control Collection apps. They can be used to control your PC or Mac from an Android or iOS device.

drogit commented 8 years ago

i am sorry buddy - i not so bright but i assume that your answer means no, it does not. you cannot control a windows pc screen from a windows desktop app, just blackberry, android and ios right?

Steppschuh commented 8 years ago

Exactly. There's no Remote Control Collection app available for Windows.