Steppschuh / RemoteControlServer

Remote Control Server
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Command-line options? #97

Closed shawnkhall closed 9 years ago

shawnkhall commented 9 years ago

Are there any command line options or other way to automate the process of closing and reopening RemoteControlServer and making configuration changes?

Steppschuh commented 9 years ago

There are none, but may I ask what exactly you want to do? You can manually edit the config file, it's located at: C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\Remote Control Server\

shawnkhall commented 9 years ago

I have several devices I pop between and with the sticky mouse problem that the server exposes I can't leave it open unless I'm using it, but I won't always know I want it open when I need it, nor that I'm done with it when I'm done.

I'd like to be able to easily turn it on and off via the command line. I already use other tools to access my devices to operate a shell on them now.

Ideally, it would be something as easy as "net start rccs" or "net stop rccs", but should be at least scriptable so that I can queue a quit with something like ["C:\Program Files (x86)\Remote Control Server\Remote Control Server.exe" /quit] to close it.

Otherwise I'll have to kill it which might result in a memory leak or other problems.