Steppschuh / RemoteControlServer

Remote Control Server
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Scrolling in mouse mode #99

Open cbdude1 opened 9 years ago

cbdude1 commented 9 years ago

When using the right edge scroll function, the actual scrolling works fine. The issue is when I remove my finger, the page jumps downward, usually to the bottom of the page. I've found a workaround; if after scrolling, I move my finger left into the center of the screen before removing it, it will stay in place. However, this should be fixed.

Steppschuh commented 9 years ago

Thanks for reporting, will look into this!

underbubbles commented 7 years ago

I suddenly have the same problem with the latest update update to my computer. Was using a version 2.x.x something for the server before. Latest version has this issue. Especially bad when viewing web based material with pictures.