Stereo101 / python-MidiToVirtualPianoMacro

Takes a midi file and converts it into a macro which will play the midi using Uses pyHook and ctypes for macro execution.
96 stars 82 forks source link

Idea #31

Open HoutZer opened 2 years ago

HoutZer commented 2 years ago

can you add a key that can speed up or slow down the tempo example tempo=100 and the key to speed up is insert it goes up like 5 tempo=105 and the key to slowdown is page up by -5 tempo=95

Another one is that you can set your own Start and Pause button example Del the that og one but i want to be able to edit that to another key so i can play 2 songs example i play blue bird the start and pause is del after i play blue bird halfway i pause and start playing another song Demon Slayer example key Page Down start and pause after play it halfway i pause it and continue play the blue bird one by pressing del and again that my idea :D

Cutecoolguys02 commented 11 months ago

HOW!!?? Can you teach me?