Stereowalker / Survive
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Stamina system appears to be broken #98

Open ExodusBF4 opened 3 years ago

ExodusBF4 commented 3 years ago

The feature you have implemented where breaking something with the wrong tool costs 10x more stamina than normal seems to be bugged right now. I play minecraft heavily modded (200+ mods installed and running all at the same time on one world) but i tested this out with both vanilla and modded tools. Breaking blocks with the correct tools still seems to inflict the 10x stamina drain penalty. For example, mining some stone with a netherite pickaxe with efficency 5 quickly drains my stamina bar. Same with digging up dirt with a shovel, or chopping wood with an axe. Even though i'm clearly using the correct tool, my stamina bar empties extremely fast, even when wearing no armour at all. With armour, it's even worse. Using my modded pickaxe and instamining sandstone drains my entire stamina bar AND emergency/reserve stamina bar in a matter of seconds. Even just using basic iron tools still drains it way too fast. I don't know if this is a bug or not, but this (in my opinion) is a game-breaking bug. I almost considered uninstalling this mod because of how quickly i found myself out of stamina from a short mining trip, or chopping down a few trees. This entire mod seems a little broken IMO. There is no way to get an infinite purified water source, and you almost always get the thirst effect from drinking regular water. The tiredness mechanic is extremely annoying as it basically forces you to sleep at night, not letting you stay up to mine for hours on end. The temperature mechanics are also broken as hell. It's impossible to go mining for diamonds, as going even a little bit underground quickly raises your body temperature. Even using a heat resistance 5 effect will still give you hyperthermia after a short while of being far underground. The cooling and warming enchantments also aren't properly balanced, as they don't really give any indication of what each level can provide. Putting cooling 5 on all pieces of armour quickly makes you freeze, and the opposite occurs with warming. There's no real way to safely mine underground or explore cold areas as you are forced to drink a bunch of heat/cold resist potions and constantly swap armour sets, and even then, you still might get overheated or frozen. The temperature system needs a serious rework. You can't wear a full set of armour underground and not boil to death quickly, even when using cooling. The adjusted enchants also aren't explained anywhere as to how they work. I see huge potential for this mod, but it needs some MAJOR work to be enjoyable. Otherwise, you're constantly just getting tired, running out of energy and boiling to death when trying to do stuff. I know i went on a rant here, but i'm really frustrated with the temperature and stamina mechanics. They're making me want to uninstall the mod.

Stereowalker commented 3 years ago
ExodusBF4 commented 3 years ago

for your first bullet point, i wasn't aware of mods that could do that, but i just found one, so thank you. second point, what combination should i add these to my armour? two adjusted heating and two adjusted cooling? if you're saying i can totally elimintate all temperature damage, that would be great, as i can't really go mining and wear armour at the same time, it just gets too hot in caves. third bullet, i guess you have a point fourth, so you're saying this stamina issue is a bug? because while i get the 10x penalty, it seems like a bug how using the correct tools still drains my stamina faster than it should fifth, i guess that's fair