Stereowalker / tiered

Adds tiers/modifiers to tools.
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[questions] compat and configs #19

Closed Kiryonn closed 2 years ago

Kiryonn commented 2 years ago

I wanted to know wether this mod is compatible with tetra (1.18.1).

Also i wanted to know more details about configs. On the main page, it is said how we can use configs for the fabric version. but does forge also uses tags like fabric ? so can we just replace the fabric with forge and it'll work or is it more complicated that that ?

Stereowalker commented 2 years ago

yes, it will work just fine if you replace the fabric tags with forge

Stereowalker commented 2 years ago

Also regarding the tetra compatibility, all you need to do is add the respective tags to the tools and armor in the mod and it should work