SterlingPeet / cookiecutter-fprime-deployment

Cookiecutter template for creating new deployments within an F Prime project/repository
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hardwareRateDriver not started in Topology.cpp #11

Open legounicycler opened 2 years ago

legounicycler commented 2 years ago

When generating a deployment in the "gt2-software/Common/support" directory using the options listed below in the .cookiecutterrc file, the following line was omitted from the Topology.cpp file:


This prevents the LED blinker component that gets generated from working default out of the box and should be added after the eventLogger start function.

Contents of .cookiecutterrc:


    _template:                 'gh:SterlingPeet/cookiecutter-fprime-deployment'
    arduino_log_stream:        'Serial'
    component_dir_name:        'LedBlinker'
    component_explicit_common: ''
    component_explicit_component_suffix: 'Component'
    component_impl_suffix:     ''
    component_instance_name:   'ledBlinker'
    component_kind:            'passive'
    component_multiplatform_support: 'no'
    component_name:            'Led Blinker'
    component_namespace:       'LEDBlinkDeployment'
    component_path_to_fprime_root: '../../../..'
    component_short_description: 'Example component to support LED Blink Deployment deployment.'
    component_slug:            'LedBlinker'
    dep_short_description:     'A deployment that blinks an LED'
    deployment_baremetal_scheduler: 'yes'
    deployment_command_sequence_support: 'no'
    deployment_display_name:   'LED Blink Deployment'
    deployment_event_text_log_support: 'no'
    deployment_file_xfer_support: 'no'
    deployment_health_support: 'no'
    deployment_parameter_support: 'yes'
    deployment_path:           'Common/support'
    deployment_path_to_fprime_framework: '../../../fprime'
    deployment_path_to_project_root: '../../..'
    deployment_ref_doc_boilerplate: 'no'
    deployment_rg_sched_contexts_hpp: 'no'
    deployment_slug:           'LEDBlinkDeployment'
    deployment_target_platform_support: 'Arduino'
    email:                     ''
    full_name:                 'Anthony Limiero'
    license:                   'None'
    startup_arduino_led_flash: 'yes'
    startup_delay_msec:        '2000'
legounicycler commented 2 years ago

After looking at this, the hardware rate driver is a passive component, but it also has a .start() function similar to any active component. This component needs to have the .start() function added somewhere in the cookiecutter template that is independent of the .start()'s added for active components