SterlingPeet / cookiecutter-fprime-deployment

Cookiecutter template for creating new deployments within an F Prime project/repository
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Missing regCommands() calls in Topology.cpp #14

Open legounicycler opened 2 years ago

legounicycler commented 2 years ago

When creating an Arduino deployment with the options shown in the .cookiecutterrc file shown below, there are several components in the Topology.cpp file that are missing a regCommands() call.

The default output is this:

/* Register commands */

The output should ALSO include regCommand() calls for the following two components:

  1. The LedBlinker component
  2. The eePrmDb component

My suspicion is that there needs to be a tweak to the logic when you select "yes" for deployment_parameter_support to make sure these two components have their commands registered. The LedBlinker has no other commands but the set and save parameter commands, and the eePrmDb component would only be included if you selected yes for parameter support.

Here is a copy of the .cookiecutterrc file that I used:


    _template:                 'gh:SterlingPeet/cookiecutter-fprime-deployment'
    arduino_log_stream:        'Serial'
    component_dir_name:        'LedBlinker'
    component_explicit_common: ''
    component_explicit_component_suffix: 'Component'
    component_impl_suffix:     ''
    component_instance_name:   'ledBlinker'
    component_kind:            'passive'
    component_multiplatform_support: 'no'
    component_name:            'Led Blinker'
    component_namespace:       'Test'
    component_path_to_fprime_root: '../../..'
    component_short_description: 'Example component to support Test deployment.'
    component_slug:            'LedBlinker'
    dep_short_description:     'test'
    deployment_baremetal_scheduler: 'yes'
    deployment_command_sequence_support: 'no'
    deployment_display_name:   'Test'
    deployment_event_text_log_support: 'no'
    deployment_file_xfer_support: 'no'
    deployment_health_support: 'no'
    deployment_parameter_support: 'yes'
    deployment_path:           'Common'
    deployment_path_to_fprime_framework: '../../fprime'
    deployment_path_to_project_root: '../..'
    deployment_ref_doc_boilerplate: 'no'
    deployment_rg_sched_contexts_hpp: 'no'
    deployment_slug:           'Test'
    deployment_target_platform_support: 'Arduino'
    email:                     ''
    full_name:                 'Anthony Limiero'
    license:                   'None'
    startup_arduino_led_flash: 'yes'
    startup_delay_msec:        '2000'