SterlingPeet / cookiecutter-fprime-deployment

Cookiecutter template for creating new deployments within an F Prime project/repository
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1Hz rate group component declaration missing #4

Closed nathancheek closed 4 years ago

nathancheek commented 4 years ago

The rateGroup1HzComp is referenced in commented out lines in the TopologyAi.xml as well as Topology.cpp files, but not in Components.hpp. As it is now, the user must uncomment lines in TopologyAi.xml, Topology.cpp, and SchedContexts.hpp, then add a line to Components.hpp to set up the 1Hz rate group.

Components.hpp should be set up like the other files so the user can easily set up a 1Hz rate group by just uncommenting the right lines in the 4 related boilerplate files.

// extern Svc::ActiveRateGroupImpl rateGroup1HzComp; should be added here:

SterlingPeet commented 4 years ago

Good catch, maybe I should just add this rate group as a cookiecutter option. Basically, if you answer yes the relevant lines are all uncommented, and if you answer no they are all still there, but commented out.

SterlingPeet commented 4 years ago

Well, I have added the commented out line, although it is not yet pushed. I think I will actually leave it that way for now, and make additional example rate groups an option in a later update (when it generates something more complete, like Ref).