Comprehension of a method in MorePlanets/src/main/java/stevekung/mods/moreplanets/planets/diona/world/gen/structure/ #96
Hi there, when I was reading the code of the function "public void offset(int x, int y, int z)" in MorePlanets/src/main/java/stevekung/mods/moreplanets/planets/diona/world/gen/structure/, I found it has no Javadoc. My understanding is “returns the offset of the filled. @param x the x-coordinate @param y the y value of the quaternion. @param z the z component". Can you please check if this is correct? Thanks.
Not really sure, In the original class StructureMineshaftPieces doesn't have javadoc for offset method as well. So to be honest I don't really know how it work.
Hi there, when I was reading the code of the function "public void offset(int x, int y, int z)" in MorePlanets/src/main/java/stevekung/mods/moreplanets/planets/diona/world/gen/structure/, I found it has no Javadoc. My understanding is “returns the offset of the filled. @param x the x-coordinate @param y the y value of the quaternion. @param z the z component". Can you please check if this is correct? Thanks.