SteveLTN / https-portal

A fully automated HTTPS server powered by Nginx, Let's Encrypt and Docker.
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Allow to specify CN in self-signed certificate #281

Closed markovendelin closed 2 years ago

markovendelin commented 3 years ago

In some cases, it makes sense to use https-portal for services that are available only on local network. As self-signing is baked in with STAGE: local, it works already.

However, would be great to have an ability to specify at least CN in the generated certificate. It looks to me that CN is hardcoded to (see code).

Please make it possible to specify it via environment variable.

SteveLTN commented 3 years ago

Hi, This is not an unreasonable request. However I'm a bit busy in the coming weeks. I will pick this up later. In the mean time, pull-requests are welcome.

hsimpson commented 2 years ago

Also consider to add needed X509 extensions to make Chrome happy: -addext "subjectAltName = DNS:<SPECIFIC_DOMAIN_NAME>,IP:" -addext "extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth"

SteveLTN commented 2 years ago

This was actually a bug. The code snippet you posted was for a dummy certificate, not intended for local use. However, it managed to carry itself to the end stage :-) This was fixed in 1.19.1.

As for you second suggestion, I encounterred two issues:

  1. When I added -addext "subjectAltName = DNS:#{},IP:" -addext "extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth" to the command, it returns an error: x509: Unrecognized flag addext. Could you try and figure out the right command for this?
  2. I don't know for sure what you IP is. Many people run docker in a VM or on a remote server. I guess this can be configured by adding another environment variable, but that seems to be too complicated to use.

I don't think you can ever make Chrome to accept a self-signed certificate though.

hsimpson commented 2 years ago

This was actually a bug. The code snippet you posted was for a dummy certificate, not intended for local use. However, it managed to carry itself to the end stage :-) This was fixed in 1.19.1.

Fine, I will try after 1.19.1 will be released/published to Dockerhub

When I added -addext "subjectAltName = DNS:#{},IP:" -addext "extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth" to the command, it returns an error: x509: Unrecognized flag addext. Could you try and figure out the right command for this?

-addext is available with openssl req since 1.1.1, see:

I don't know for sure what you IP is. Many people run docker in a VM or on a remote server. I guess this can be configured by adding another environment variable, but that seems to be too complicated to use.

I will try with the -addext "extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth" at least to check if it is possible to proceed on chrome with the self signed cert

I don't think you can ever make Chrome to accept a self-signed certificate though.

Not out of the box, but with 1.19.0 and STAGE=local you can not proceed on macOS

hsimpson commented 2 years ago

Ok another information. 1.19.1 fixes the individual certs with correct CN, this is fine. 👍

To get the local self signed CERTS working in Chrome on MacOS (to get the "Proceed" button in the warning) You only need the extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth" extension. Unfortunately I can not getting to work with a CSR, only when generating the CERT without CSR: openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -out ./signed.crt -keyout ./domain.key -days 90 -batch -subj "/CN=mydomain.localhost" -addext "extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth"

Some sites suggest to use a config file for openssl to get this working with a CSR:

@SteveLTN would it be possible to bring this in?

You can check the CERT via openssl x509 -text -in signed.crt there should be an entry like:

X509v3 Extended Key Usage: 
                TLS Web Server Authentication
SteveLTN commented 2 years ago

I will give it a try.

SteveLTN commented 2 years ago

I released 1.19.2. Should fix this. Also deployed to my test site:

hsimpson commented 2 years ago

I released 1.19.2. Should fix this. Also deployed to my test site:

I would try this on monday.

hsimpson commented 2 years ago

I released 1.19.2. Should fix this. Also deployed to my test site:

I would try this on monday.

It works fine, thanks.