SteveLTN / https-portal

A fully automated HTTPS server powered by Nginx, Let's Encrypt and Docker.
MIT License
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IP Country Block #342

Open Yuri-Lima opened 8 months ago

Yuri-Lima commented 8 months ago

Is there any easy way with this lib to allow only specific country to access? If you have any good ideia how todo it with this Lib, please let me.

Maybe it could be a new feature if it does not have yet.

Thank You

SteveLTN commented 7 months ago


No, this is not supported by HTTPS-PORTAL.

While you can use Nginx custom config to do that, I do believe this should best be done at the application layer, given that you probably need a pretty complex library to figure out where the user actually is based on their IP address.

Yuri-Lima commented 7 months ago

When you say application layer, what you mean?

At the moment I'm have nestjs as my back end and Angular in front end.

Do you think would be better to apply it as a custom Ngnix?

Btw, thank your reply.👍