Closed ygoumaz closed 1 year ago
This is a not-so-uncommon issue with trivialized environments like the one you show in your video which is not reflective of reality or the performance you should expect on a real system in the real world.
The issue you're seeing is that there are either (1) too few features to do effective scan-to-scan matching on (or your odometry is really truly terrible) which is the most common reason I see this (2) you've messed with the configs greatly and essentially de-tuned the system I worked reasonably hard to provide a reasonable out of the box baseline with - in which case reverting parameters and starting tuning again might be good.
If you had a real environment, you would not see that behavior, its an artifact of the overwhelming "perfectness" of the simulated environment paired with very few distinctive features to lock the system into a solution. I've personally mapped spaces up to 200,000 sqft with this system and the provided default parameters without a hiccup and I know its used in the real-world by dozens of other companies in similarly scaled and varying environments - so I'm pretty confident in its functionality. There is a quirk with optimization and scan-matching based SLAMs where this can occur if you create such trivial, featureless, perfect environments, but that's an issue in simulation only. Even then, if you made a more realistic environment that's not just an empty room, it quickly improves in performance if it has a few unique items to latch onto.
We don't use the /odom
topic for odometry, we use TF, in case that distinction is important to make.
So, I don't think there' anything actionable on my end with this - unless you're saying that you have this issue in real life or even after creating a sufficiently "real" environment. Even polling GitHub for realistic simulation worlds, this works well on those which I've tried (e.g. AWS warehouse, AWS hospital, willow garage, etc)
Thank you for the explanation. It makes sense that the simulated environment is too trivial and lacks feature for the scan-matching to work correctly. I will try to make it more realistic with distinguishable features.
Concerning the parameters, I am using the default ones of the package, so I don't think it has anything to do with it.
I was using the /odom
topic to calibrate the odometry but it is not relevant here. I just misunderstood what SLAM Toolbox was using as odometry reference.
Required Info:
Steps to reproduce issue
In the
package, we use the SLAM toolbox package to generate a map with a PAL Robotics TIAGo++ robot. When using the scan-matching option of the package, the map completely rotates (in a very incorrect way) after a few seconds.You can reproduce the problem:
2023.0.2 (binaries) withsudo apt install ros-humble-webots-ros2
ros2 launch webots_ros2_tiago rviz:=true slam:=true
ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard
.With a very well calibrated odometry, it works without scan-matching but it ends up drifting after a few minutes. Scan-matching would be great to compensate for this drift, but it is impossible to use because of this bug.
Expected behavior
Scan-matching should work normally without big map changes and estimated position change. It should match the accurate /odom topic.
Actual behavior
The odometry given in /odom is very accurate, but scan-matching gives a big incorrect position estimate and the map is wrong.