SteveMacenski / spatio_temporal_voxel_layer

A new voxel layer leveraging modern 3D graphics tools to modernize navigation environmental representations
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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大佬你好, 深度相机的fov计算应该是有点小bug, 一个 100°x100°的深度相机参数,画出来的模型,是长方形的,按道理应该是正方形。设置100x100的fov,后作者给的原始的如图中红色的所示: #273

Open onlyliucat opened 1 year ago

onlyliucat commented 1 year ago
          大佬你好, 深度相机的fov计算应该是有点小bug, 一个 100°x100°的深度相机参数,画出来的模型,是长方形的,按道理应该是正方形。设置100x100的fov,后作者给的原始的如图中红色的所示:

image,图中绿色的为 opencv的viz模块显示的fov, 红色的是将作者的六个平面交线画出来显示的fov效果。 正确应该是绿色的部分。 修改fov计算方式之后: image, 与绿色的重合了。从六个面的参数画出相机模型的代码如下: //A:0,3,4

bool drawModels(std::vector<cv::Point3f> pts, std::vector<cv::Vec3f>normals, std::string val_str = "WPolyLine")

    // int idx[]={0,1,2,3,4,5,6};
    //  int idx[]={0,3,1,2,4,5};
    int idx[]={0,2,3,1,4,5};
    cv::Point3f p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7;
    int k1 = 0, k2 = 3, k3 =4;
    k1 = idx[0], k2 = idx[3], k3 =idx[4];
    bool b0 = calculateIntersectionPoint(pts[k1], pts[k2], pts[k3], normals[k1], normals[k2], normals[k3], p0);
    k1 = idx[1], k2 = idx[3], k3 =idx[4];
    bool b1 = calculateIntersectionPoint(pts[k1], pts[k2], pts[k3], normals[k1], normals[k2], normals[k3], p1);
    k1 = idx[1], k2 = idx[2], k3 =idx[4];
    bool b2 = calculateIntersectionPoint(pts[k1], pts[k2], pts[k3], normals[k1], normals[k2], normals[k3], p2);
    k1 = idx[0], k2 = idx[2], k3 =idx[4];
    bool b3 = calculateIntersectionPoint(pts[k1], pts[k2], pts[k3], normals[k1], normals[k2], normals[k3], p3);
    k1 = idx[0], k2 = idx[2], k3 =idx[5];
    bool b4 = calculateIntersectionPoint(pts[k1], pts[k2], pts[k3], normals[k1], normals[k2], normals[k3], p4);
    k1 = idx[1], k2 = idx[2], k3 =idx[5];
    bool b5 = calculateIntersectionPoint(pts[k1], pts[k2], pts[k3], normals[k1], normals[k2], normals[k3], p5);
    k1 = idx[1], k2 = idx[3], k3 =idx[5];
    bool b6 = calculateIntersectionPoint(pts[k1], pts[k2], pts[k3], normals[k1], normals[k2], normals[k3], p6);
    k1 = idx[0], k2 = idx[3], k3 =idx[5];
    bool b7 = calculateIntersectionPoint(pts[k1], pts[k2], pts[k3], normals[k1], normals[k2], normals[k3], p7);
        viz::WPolyLine pl( pp, cv::viz::Color::red());

        viewer_->showWidget(val_str,  pl);


修改后的相机模型的六个面的计算代码如下: ` // calculate the 8 vertices of the frustum float near_width = 2 _min_d tan(_hFOV / 2); float near_height = 2 _min_d tan(_vFOV / 2); float far_width = 2 _max_d tan(_hFOV / 2); float far_height = 2 _max_d tan(_vFOV / 2);

Eigen::Vector3f near_top_left(-near_width / 2, near_height / 2, _min_d);
Eigen::Vector3f near_top_right(near_width / 2, near_height / 2, _min_d);
Eigen::Vector3f near_bottom_left(-near_width / 2, -near_height / 2, _min_d);
Eigen::Vector3f near_bottom_right(near_width / 2, -near_height / 2, _min_d);

Eigen::Vector3f far_top_left(-far_width / 2, far_height / 2, _max_d);
Eigen::Vector3f far_top_right(far_width / 2, far_height / 2, _max_d);
Eigen::Vector3f far_bottom_left(-far_width / 2, -far_height / 2, _max_d);
Eigen::Vector3f far_bottom_right(far_width / 2, -far_height / 2, _max_d);

// calculate the normals and points for each plane

// left plane
Eigen::Vector3f v_01 = near_bottom_left - near_top_left;
Eigen::Vector3f v_03 = far_top_left - near_top_left;
Eigen::Vector3f T_l = v_01.cross(v_03).normalized();
_plane_normals.push_back(VectorWithPt3D(T_l[0], T_l[1], T_l[2], near_top_left));

// top plane
v_01 = near_top_right - near_top_left;

v_03 = far_top_left - near_top_left; Eigen::Vector3f T_t = -1*v_01.cross(v_03).normalized(); _plane_normals.push_back(VectorWithPt3D(T_t[0], T_t[1], T_t[2], near_top_left));

// right plane
v_01 = near_top_right - near_bottom_right;
 v_03 = far_top_right - near_top_right;
Eigen::Vector3f T_r = v_01.cross(v_03).normalized();
_plane_normals.push_back(VectorWithPt3D(T_r[0], T_r[1], T_r[2], near_bottom_right));

// bottom plane
v_01 = near_bottom_left - near_bottom_right;
v_03 = far_bottom_right - near_bottom_right;
Eigen::Vector3f T_b = -1*v_01.cross(v_03).normalized();
_plane_normals.push_back(VectorWithPt3D(T_b[0], T_b[1], T_b[2], near_bottom_right));

    // near plane
_plane_normals.push_back(VectorWithPt3D(0, 0, -1, near_top_left));

    // far plane

_plane_normals.push_back(VectorWithPt3D(0, 0, 1, far_top_left)); `

_Originally posted by @onlyliucat in