KO components receives a reference of observable when we passes it as params. As componentes receives it as a reference you can write to this observable and it will reflect on your viewmodel;
But, when you using ko-es5 plugin (super awesome) your KO component instead of receive also a reference to your observable receives some kind of computeObservable, and we cant write to it. is this a unexpected behaviour ?
KO components receives a reference of observable when we passes it as params. As componentes receives it as a reference you can write to this observable and it will reflect on your viewmodel; But, when you using ko-es5 plugin (super awesome) your KO component instead of receive also a reference to your observable receives some kind of computeObservable, and we cant write to it. is this a unexpected behaviour ? http://jsfiddle.net/kapuca/k0fw8w18/
workaround: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/42427516/cannot-write-to-an-observable-received-as-param-inside-of-knockoutjs-component