SteveSanderson / knockout.mapping

Object mapping plugin for KnockoutJS
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knockout.mapping 2.4.1 NuGet? #192

Open Yustie opened 10 years ago

Yustie commented 10 years ago


When will knockout.mapping 2.4.1 be released via NuGet? I can get it from CDN like But I need a fail save mechanism like I have right now:

<script>window.ko.mapping || document.write('<script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/knockout.mapping-latest.js")">\/script>')</script>

So if possible, please release knockout.mapping 2.4.1 via NuGet. The latest version there right now is knockout.mapping 2.4.0.

Thanks in advance!

Yustie commented 10 years ago

This rep dead or something?

ghost commented 9 years ago

Worried about it, I'll do it later!

RalphBariz commented 9 years ago

When creating the package, please take into account that Linux(Mono) uses case sensitive paths. Please replace the path "scripts" with "Scripts".

Thanks a lot