SteveSandersonMS / BlazorUnitTestingPrototype

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Will this every be part of the aspnet core platform? #16

Open rpskelton2 opened 4 years ago

rpskelton2 commented 4 years ago

Hi @SteveSandersonMS , are there plans to include this sort of functionality in the platform? It would be nice to have some "official" support. We are using this with success but some 3rd party controls like Syncfusion (which are just blazor wrappers around javascript libraries) do not play well. If this test framework was official it would be easier to get support from Syncfusion.

SteveSandersonMS commented 4 years ago

It's on the list of things we're considering for inclusion as a feature with .NET 5, but we haven't yet concluded whether or not it will make the cut. It's possible we won't know for a while.

ardalis commented 4 years ago

This should definitely be part of .NET 5 (votes it up).